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Over 30 Workers


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Over 30 Workers Trapped After Chilean Copper Mine Collapse

April Colvin



Mark Trollinger

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Over 30 Workers Trapped After Chilean Copper Mine Collapse

A copper mine collapses leaving over 30 workers trapped underground in San Jose a

mine owned and operated by Minera San Estelan Primera.


Thirty-three men are trapped in an unstable mine which they may face long

psychological and physical ordeal before they are ever rescued. Can these men stick together to get out

of the caved-in mine. These men were trapped by a roof which collapsed above the main access tunnel.

A second collapse took place on August 7, after rescuers attempted to rescue the men. After reaching

emergency shelter, the rescuers made a shaft big enough to take a rescue cage of 26 inches in diameter

and the miners will have to have a waist of at least 35 inches to fit. August 22nd was the first contact

probe of six-inches to reach the miners emergency shelter. The miners confirmed that they were alive

by attaching a note drill. The rescuers sent cameras to the miners to take pictures of them being trapped

in the tunnel. The use of a map helped targeted where they thought the miners might be. This took

approximately eight attempts to locate the miners in order to drill a bore hole close enough to get to the

refuge. Some of the miners had gotten depress and others suffering from infections of being trapped in

a cave. The estimated drilling more than 20 days and possibly require three or more months to

extinguish a releasing for the miners. The rescuers sent medicine, and salt tablets down a narrow bore

hole to relieve them of bore dom. Claudio Yanez, after being trapped began to dream of rich things,

eating foods like roasted chicken, steak. Talking of getting the grill ready and drinking lots of cold beer.

Being in a dark prison below the surface of 2300ft. The roof collapses on August 5 of 33 miners

thinking free at last. The break through arose on one Sunday all hope had been lost. There has been no

recorded accident of men being trapped more than 25 days. They are a cohesive group of men and will

come out alive and will beadle to accomplish this together. After being trapped for so long the miners Over 30 Page 3

were unable to sleep and were very irritable. Some of the miners have serious skin infections while

others have miner problems such as cuts, and lacerations. With these type of conditions the miners

might be prone to get fungal conditions. The tunnel has muddy and damp grounds and they sleep on

nothing more than card board. They have tried to build better platforms for those whom are sickly or

prone to the illnesses that have come before them. While videoing these men, the media found out

some of them where not eating and feeling very isolated. They will provide the miners with means of

escape by drilling a 13 inch hole that will be ordered to 26 inch. The leader of the group 54 year-old.

Uruza said that he felt the mine collapse to fine they had been trapped by big rock. saying “don't

abandon us.” ”Help us get out of this hell.” Working with Urzua was Mario Gomez, 63 whom had

written his wife of 30 years letting her know he was fine. The miners went through a regular session

of prayer services. The worst ordeal the miners had was the limitation of the supply of food they were

allowed to have. They requested pictures of Jesus and Mary to keep their spirits up and help them to be

inspired. 52 year-old, Johnny Barrios was the chief nurse, he took their blood pressure and reported

back to the doctors with the results of each one and the tracking of their skin abrasions as well. Some of

the miners family set up camp to keep close record of the progress of the new as it came. The miners

were able to move around in the tunnel. Edison Pena, was concerned if they were going to be

abandoned or isolated in the tunnel allowed his wife to cash his check so she could pay the rent but

wanted her to save as much as she could. Jimmy Sanchez, 19 was the youngest trapped in the tunnel,

had a two-month old daughter, and been warned how dangerous it was to work in the mine but needed

to support his family. It was a very emotional and depressing state for the miners. Every time 48 hours

pass they would say another 48 hours. They started supplying the miners with different things like

playing cards and books to keep them diverted. The miners talked everyday about the experience that

they have encountered during this tragedy since they have been in the tunnel.

Over 30 Page 4


“HELP GET US OUT OF THIS HELL” Allen-Mills, Tony, Hines, Nico, Crooks, Nathan, Ham, Paul;Sunday Times 29 Aug, 2010;14

Over 30 Workers Trapped After Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Authors; Welk,Juan, Metal Bulletin Daily, 8/6/2010 Iss. 224,p.65-65 1p.

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