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Angle Island Research Paper

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There were many atitudes and policies that affected the way that immigrants from Asia were treated. One attitude twords them was the disaimful people in the US, especisally the officers at Angle Island. The interrogation twords the immigrants was constant, which would make them feel violated and uncomfortable. Also, within the US they were very poorly treated, native US citizens did not like them because they thought they might steal their jobs, and they wanted them gone, so they would constantly be very rude and disrespectful to them, just because of their ethnicity. The text states, "Some Americans expressed concern that immigrants would take jobs from native-born citizens; others harbored prejudices against people from other countries." The text also states, "Island officials did not make the immigrants feel welcome...They were subjected to medical exams and …show more content…
Angle Island was built to enforce this act, because it was used to help curb immigration. This act was actually created in the fist place because Americans feared forgieners and they were worried about theier jobs being taken, or they were just predujice. This act stated that if a chinese person went out of the US they had to get premission from the chinese governemnt to renter. It was very difficult on them because they weren't able to leave to see loved ones still in their home country. Another Act was the Geary Act which just extended the Chinese Exclusion Act for another 10 years. The text states, "In 1882, U.S. Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. This law halted the immigration of Chinese laborers for 10 years. The law also stated that if Chinese people left the U.S., they had to get certification from the Chinese government to re-enter. In 1892, Congress passed the Geary Act, which extended the Chinese Exclusion Act for another 10 years." This explains what the act was and how it was

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