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Master P Of No Limiting Record Analysis

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How Master P Accumulated a Net Worth of $350 Million

In certain sectors of the social world, there are often conversations among the wealthy about old money and new money. Old money is money that has been passed down for at least several generations through the family line, while new money has been newly acquired with in the last two generations. While the world of professional athletics has created its share of first generation millionaires, the music industry has not fared bad at all. One person who was able to capitalize on the business side of the music industry was a young man by the name of Percy Miller, better known as Master P of No Limit Records.
There is no doubt that Master P came from humble beginnings, being reared in the Calliope …show more content…
He had to take this route because no one would hire him. Miller also had another set of skills that he believed could serve him well — basketball. He was good enough to earn a athletic scholarship at the University of Houston. He would eventually transfer to Merritt Junior College, where he would study business as a major. Through a twist of fate, Miller would receive a $10,000 check as a settlement for a malpractice claim associated with the death of his grandfather — allowing him to fund the next leg of his entrepreneurial …show more content…
It has been more than a decade since any notable music was released by the label; however, Miller is ranked as the 5th wealthiest rapper in the world. He was able to amass this wealth because he was much more than a rapper, he is a business man first. He is also a record producer, an actor, a filmmaker, investor, and most of all, a philanthropist.
Unfortunately, Miller receives very little exposure when it comes to his philanthropic endeavors, but he has been very generous with his wealth, investing in inner city community programs and redevelopment. He has also invested in the success of his progeny — teaching the value of their own personal brand, as well as passing along his inexorable drive to be successful.
If there is one attribute that set Master P apart from the vast majority of his contemporaries, it was his ability and willingness to anticipate and plan for the future, while most were satisfied with living in the moment. He has tried his hands in a number of business endeavors including launching a travel agency and becoming a sports agent. Currently he has his hands in gas stations, real estate investing, energy drinks and even a phone sex

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