Premium Essay

Animal Farm Essay


Submitted By fred123
Words 611
Pages 3
Discussion of the merits of Animal Farm as book and film respectively
Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a story about how animals take over a farm. The farm and the animals are symbols that are used to represent the Russian Revolution. The story of Animal Farm is based on the Russian Revolution. If you make a comparison between the movie Animal Farm and the book Animal Farm there are numerous reasons that made it similar and different.
This Animal Farm movie features some significant departures from Orwell's story. It may be the best film adaptation of the novel to date, but it's far from perfect.
No film adaptation of a written work is hardly ever perfect, but one could expect this one to be fairly accurate because Animal Farm is a rather short book, after all. For the most part, I feel like this movie does a great job capturing the essence of Orwell’s work, but there are some significant departures that one should be aware of.
One thing that I believe can make a book good is the characters. There were many more animals on the farm, in the book. The movie did not show many animals except for the main animals. Even though this is a small difference, I find it very noticeable. In the book, Mollie was a character. When she betrayed the animals by being with a human it gave you a feeling that there were more animals that could be traitors.
Rather than the animals talking, as in the book, a narrator generally tells the story in the movie. The animals only have very few sound effects in the movie. In the book, all the animals could speak at least a little bit. They all sang the beasts of England but in the movie they hummed, brayed or mooed the beasts of England song. Also, in the book, Old Major dies about three days after giving his speech to the animals about the rebellion. Much time passes between his speech and his death in the novel but in the movie,

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