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Animal Husbandry


Submitted By akum
Words 1149
Pages 5
Topic: To study the Advantage and disadvantage of Animal Husbandary including Piggery and Poultry.

Submitted to:-
Miss: Chubaienla
E.E Teacher.

Submitted by:
Name- Imkumsungla
Class- 11 a
Sec- A
Roll NO- 27



First and foremost, I Miss Imkumsungla would like to express my sincere gratitude to our teacher Sir Moa and Miss Aien who was kind enough to lead and help us throughout the project. Secondly, I would like to share my deepest gratitude to the school authority and NBSE for being thoughtful in giving us this project, through which we experience and learned so much.
Lastly, my word of thanks for all my fellow students, friends and relatives who have helped me throughout the project and giving me more idea.


Animal husbandry benefits us in many ways. Rearing of livestock can be done by every household. It must be encourage among rural household. We must rear animal not only for red meat but also for the economic purpose for a household. They also help in raising the standards of a farmer. We can also define animal husbandry as a subject that can be studied, often in the college environment. Some people who raise animals may also take a class or two in animal husbandry to learn how to do certain things, like how to dock tails, make use of the newest technology to milk animals, or how to breed animals using artificial insemination techniques. From a scientific standpoint, specialists in animal husbandry may try to address specific problems occurring in large groups of animals. For

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