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Anm Training Manual

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This manual outlines a three day training program to provide an introduction about mental health, mental illness and maternal mental disorders to help ANMs to promote Maternal Mental Health. It includes relevant background information for the facilitators and course participants.
Each day consists of four sessions; each session has its own objectives and consists of presentations that are given by the facilitator and activities that involve the whole group. A proposed timetable for the training is provided, but this to be adjusted if necessary. It is important that the facilitator carefully monitor the timing of each session as it is easy for session to extend beyond the allocated time.
This training manual is designed …show more content…
They possess some of the basic nursing skills and midwifery competencies but are not fully qualified as midwives.
The program will be enhanced if facilitators already have a good understanding of Mental Health and Mental Disorders.
This training manual outlines a program that uses a range of teaching methods;
 Presentations that are given by the facilitators or a resource specialist to convey information, theories or principles.
 Case studies that provide descriptions of real-life situations to be used for group discussions.
 Small group participatory activities in which participants share experiences and ideas or solve problems together, and then make a presentation to the larger group to stimulate further discussion.
 Participatory role plays which participants assume roles to demonstrate and reinforce the learning.
 It is useful to set some simple ground rules for the training at the beginning of the program and in collaboration with the …show more content…
 Encourage the group to engage in brief energising activities that involve movement from time to time e.g. immediately after lunch. Some group members will be familiar with a range of energising activities that they can lead. Standing up and singing a short song together is often effective.
Prior to commencing the training it is essential that the facilitators carefully review each session, the case studies and other materials and adapt them appropriately to the local setting and culture.
You will need to allow a lot of time to plan for appropriate translation of the materials. It is important to have thorough discussion about how best to translate terms that may not have equivalent meanings in the local language e.g. depression, psychosis, Maternal Mental Health etc. If there is no meaningful local equivalent word or expression, then use the English words, and encourage the participants to do the same so that they eventually incorporate these terms into their own vocabulary.
The ‘key points for discussion’ section, case studies, role plays, handouts and symptoms cards will all have to be carefully translated in

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