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Somebody Please Tell Me Who I Am Summary

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A book by two authors is called Somebody Please Tell Me Who I Am. The authors of this book is Harry Mazer and Peter Lerangis. Harry and Peter are known for war stories. This one was published by Scholastic on February 7th of 2012. The book has a total of 148 pages involving the story. The book won the Schneider Family Book award in the year of 2013. The story has a vast amount of places in the story. To start off, the school Ben goes to is East Port High, New York. The story takes place in Ben’s senior year of high school to a few years after. The narrator is various people in the story because at times it’s Ben thinking in his head, but at another time it’s Ariela. The main characters are Ben, Ariela, Niko, and Chris. Ben is Ariela’s

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