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Anna Perenna Research Paper

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Anna Perenna was the Roman goddess of the year considered in constant flow and permanent return, the name derived from the Latin word annus for year. There was a festival on the 15th of March, the first Ides of the old year, - celebrated in a holy grove on the banks of the Tiber River, at the first mile post of the Via Flaminia. We would probably call the event New Year’s celebration. People wished each other ut amare perennareque commode liceat. Anna was also the first name of Dido’s sister, mentioned in Virgil’s Aeneis in Book IV.

ATHENS 15 miles N of Springfield 10 miles W of I 55 see under ALABAMA population 1800

ATLANTA on I 55 between Springfield - 40 miles - and Bloomington - 20 miles see under GEORGIA population 1700

AUGUSTA 30 miles E of Iowa State Line on State Hwy 61 N of Springfield-Decatur latitude line see under ARKANSAS population 600

AURORA suburb of Chicago W of city S of I 88 see under COLORADO population 172 000

CARTHAGE 15 miles E of Iowa State Line on Route 136 latitude Bloomington-Normal population 2500

CICERO 6 miles W of Chicago Harbor population 80 000

Cicero, 106 - 43 B.C., is …show more content…
He turned to philosophical subjects and in his bitterness about Caesar’s dictatorial government his hate - inspite of Caesar’s earlier pardon and generosity in his case - culminated in joy about the dictator’s assassination on March 15, 44. And he realized there would be another civil war. While the leading men in the opposing parties, mainly Antonius and Octavianus, began to assembly all the military forces they could master he was able to achieve the leading role in the battle for the res publica in December 44. The price was his own assassination because in his fight against Antonius, his Phillipic speeches, he had sought Octavian’s help who later made common cause with Antonius, and on the list of the prescriptions his name was one of the first to be

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