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Indian River Lagoon Crisis

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The Economical Crisis and Impact the Indian River Lagoon has on Local Communities and Possible Solutions to the Pollution of the Lagoon Ecosystems have long existed on this planet since the beginning of times. Every ecosystem contains its own range of different environments, species, and niches. One of the most significant and distinguished ecosystems in North America is the Indian River Lagoon. The Indian River Lagoon is a rather diverse community that stretches 156 miles along Florida’s Atlantic coast. It is considered one of the most biologically diverse environments in North America as it is home to thousands of species of aquatic plants and animals. However, it is currently facing an ecological crisis: pollution. Over the span of a decade, …show more content…
Secondary school students tend to be very engaged in their communities as it is necessary for them to be able to gain scholarships and financial aids for higher education in college. According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, a governmental agency dedicated to improving the lives of American citizens through public service, 55 percent of youth ages twelve to eighteen participate in volunteering activities. Recently, it has been proven that the United States has one of the highest college tuition cost rates, not including the expenses of books, food, or accomodations. According to Harvard historian and journalist, Jon Weiner, most seniors graduate college with an average student debt of $29,000 (“Aiming Higher…”224). Since most students do not have the economy or finances to attend college, they strive towards gaining scholarships and financial aid. These kinds of aid programs require strong academic grades and community service hours that can be gained by volunteering for public services such as this …show more content…
The money gained from this tax will be solely allocated towards the cleanup of the Indian River Lagoon. Dave Berman, a reporter and journalist for Florida Today, states that over 62% of voters agreed to this tax which will generate a total of $340 million after a decade (“Brevard voters…”). This tax is part of Brevard County’s “Save Our Lagoon Project Plan” which is a current movement that is using the county’s economic and environmental resources to help improve the lagoon. The plan displays several projects that will help “meet water quality targets and improve the health, productivity, aesthetic appeal, and economic value of the lagoon” (‘Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan”). Despite the benefits of this plan, there are still some complications that take place. For example, this project requires significant amounts of funding and planning in order for it to be efficient which is why public awareness and student participation is

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