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Summary: Breastmilk Matters

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Breastmilk Matters

The sacred journey into motherhood varies from woman to woman, but one essential decision that all new mothers are faced with is how they will feed their babies. Breastmilk is the most natural and organic nourishment for infants so it is no surprise that The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life. The wide range of benefits extend not only to the infant but also to the mother and environment as well. As breastfeeding education becomes more available and breastfeeding grows in popularity, more women are choosing the breast over the bottle. Mothers who make the choice to breastfeed are setting their precious babies up for a healthy and successful life. Breastmilk provides supreme nutrition for infants. It is the perfect concoction of vitamins, proteins, and fats, and is much easier for babies to digest than formula. Breastfed babies tend to be …show more content…
Mothers who breastfeed their babies are also able to reap the benefits of breastfeeding. For example, breastfeeding helps women loose pregnancy weight more quickly after giving birth by naturally burning extra calories to produce breastmilk. A mother who breastfeeds is also protecting herself from getting pregnant again too soon. Breastfeeding signals the release of the hormone prolactin which stops ovulation and acts as an effective form of birth control. Breastmilk is also free and won’t put a huge dent in a new family’s wallet. Babies can be expensive, especially for the parents of costly formula fed babies, but when breastmilk is always available at absolutely no cost, it can dramatically lower the expense of caring for a new baby. Additionally, breastfeeding is convenient. Breastmilk is always on tap and consistently the right temperature. This means no mixing or warming bottles which can be a pain especially during the middle of the night or a trip out on the

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