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The Scope Of The Adolescent Literacy Crisis

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“No skill is more crucial to the future of a child, or to a democratic and prosperous society, than literacy” (The Literacy Company. 2016). This quote could not be truer than it is in today’s world and with today’s economy being as demanding as it is. Rafael Heller tells the readers of his article, “The Scope of the Adolescent Literacy Crisis,” that a two-year college education is almost necessary for a person to get a decent paying job (2016b). Recently, reading and writing professionally have become part of the job requirements and many young adults graduating from high school fail to have the literacy skills required to fulfill these requirements. As someone who has had difficulty in the past with professional reading and writing, and as …show more content…
Author Marchand-Martella and her peers describe literacy as a student’s ability in using various reading skills to understand complex, content-area texts such as college textbooks or scholarly articles. Forty percent of high school graduates are not prepared, literarily speaking, for these advanced texts and others that they face in the basic classes taken in the typical first year of college. (Marchand-Martella, Martella, Modderman, Petersen, & Pan. 2013, p. …show more content…
The authors’ fellow teachers contributed their personal experiences as group members and teachers of English to the article to encourage other teachers to teach writing authentically and to collaborate with one another to improve student learning. The authors’ reported success is recorded in their article as the success of the group as a whole. The teachers in the teacher inquiry support group relay their processes to collect and use the data that will better their individual classes and their individual students in a step by step process. They first observe one another and share their expertise. They then research research-based practices to better their curriculum. Then the teachers use metacognition and reflect on why they taught writing the way they were. Lastly, the members of the group work together using the data gathered to improve the way their students were learning. The teacher-members of the support group and their students grew professionally and academically, respectively, because of the efforts of the group as a whole. (Shosh, Zales.

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