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Integrity Definition

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Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffet said, “In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you” (Anderson, 2012). Integrity is primarily defined as having a strict devotion to principled values (, n.d.). This definition is abstract in nature. It is true for many situations, but other uses of the word are common. “Integrity” can also be interpreted differently based off of who is doing the interpreting or the specific situation to which the word is applied. For example, some differentiate “integrity” from acting morally, while others treat the two as one in the same (Cox, La Caze, Levine, 2013). It is important to establish these differences in definition in order to comprehend what is being stated or written. Thesis: Integrity is described as remaining whole in mind and body, upholding …show more content…
This takes on different meanings depending on what one is classifying, a person or an object. When applying to people, Cox, La Caze, and Levine state that “integrity is primarily a matter of keeping the self intact and uncorrupted” (Cox, 2013). This “self-integration” view describes people of integrity as nonjudgmental. It also describes people who can make logical choices. The human mind is governed by a system of wants; those who can make sense of the mind's wants are said to have integrity. In addition, people of integrity do not encounter temptation (Cox et al., 2013). For example, a person who weighs all options before making a logical, unbiased decision are classified as whole in mind; therefore, they have integrity. When applying to objects, integrity as wholeness means just that: objects are complete, full, and unbroken. For example, a figurine in mint condition is said to have integrity because it is undiminished and whole (,

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