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Donald Trump: America's Third President

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Recalling every history lessons about former presidents in the world has me questioning who’ll be America’s next hero. America’s heroes are those that have made a difference in the world, such as Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson, the United States’ third president, was the principle author of the Declaration of Independence, which not only enunciates the fundamental concepts that form American nation, but positions that all men are created free and equal. Thomas Jefferson was not the only hero America had but he was one of the many that America’s people trusted. The people put their trust in a total of forty-four presidents when it came down to their life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness. Donald Trump, being one of America’s presidential …show more content…
Donald Trump is a presidential candidate and an entrepreneur who leads as president in his own organization of The Trump Organization and founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts. He is very wise when it includes making, managing and saving money. Trump has had some financial slopes and challenges, but the name Trump itself withstands as a luxurious American brand. To most people, Trump is considered the God of money; but others think otherwise. Unfortunately, a couple of months ago, on June 16th 2015, Trump had alleged a redundant statement on live television about Mexico using the United States as their dumping ground. Donald Trump commented, “The Mexican Government is sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” This depraved remark enraged many Mexicans around the country, as well as myself. With this atrocious comment out in the world, I, as well as some people, believe Trump is judging Mexicans based on their appearance, knowledge, lack of money and job …show more content…
Unfortunately, Donald Trump has exposed that he lacks manners; society depends on manners. Trump reveals his tolerance to insults over his twitter feeds, making people assume have racial undertones. For instance, his statements proclaiming black and Mexican residents causing such immoral criminalities in the United States, and including his gratuitous remark on Obama’s birth. Trump’s disparagement about women being fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals have been talked about, and of course Trump strokes out to any insult, more often than not gets into public squabbles and often with unbecoming facts. Would we really consider on electing someone who blows up to the slightest critic comment about him? He is comparable to a toddler shut in an adult’s body; he is self-absorbed and sulky. If Trump wishes to become president, it will require for him to learn to moderate his rude edges of his behavior. He has to be less vain, egotistical and antagonistic. Although, Trump seems to gain courtesy surely because of his lack of manners, so what does this express about society

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