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Bernie Sanders Influence On Political Corruption

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At this point in American history, political corruption is more present than most Americans believe. Because corporations and billionaires are at such an advantage to bribe politicians into tailoring laws so that they can profit from them, the American people remain in the dark as to who the government truly serves. Organizations like Citizens United allow big oil companies to donate unlimited amounts of money into campaigns of their choosing, the Koch brothers donate as much as they want toward anti-climate change groups and pharmaceutical companies increase prices for life-saving drugs. But, with Bernie Sanders’s propositions for getting big money out of politics, combatting climate change and taking on corruption within pharmaceutical companies, …show more content…
Bernie Sanders’s donor-funded campaign has sparked the debate about Super PACs and presidential campaign funding, but many believe that another candidate brags a similar message. Donald Trump claims superiority over his rivals because "I'm self-funding my own campaign. It's my money" (Donald Trump). But, although he flaunts this campaigning strategy, it’s not completely true. Politifact has reported that “From the start of his campaign in April through October last year, individual contributions made up about 67 percent of total money raised for his campaign. The vast majority of Trump’s contributions to his own campaign — about $12.6 million (out of $13 million) — are loans rather than donations.” These facts prove that although Trump’s campaign is partially self-funded, the numbers do not amount to the sum of his promises. While Trump boasts total self-funding but falls short, Federal Election Commision data shows that 97% of Bernie Sanders campaign comes from individual donors (with only 2% self-financing and 1% PAC …show more content…
Another problem that Bernie plans to fix is many Americans’ denial of a fact that the scientific community has proven, climate change is real and contributed to by human activity. NASA released a statement saying that, “Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.” But even with compelling evidence and scientific backing, the protection of the planet is still secondary to profit in the minds of large corporations and subsequently the U.S. Government. Billionaires like the Koch brothers whose success is deeply rooted in the oil market are obstructing any attempt made to move toward clean energy solutions because they profit off of fossil fuel operations. GreenPeace has reported that “The Koch Brothers have sent at least $79,048,951 to groups denying climate change science since 1997.” Many presidential candidates, such as, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and Jeb Bush, do not see climate change as a problem, while others don’t even believe it

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