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Cost Of College Education

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In recent decades the price tag on a college education has skyrocketed. After student tuition, fees, books, supplies, housing, food, and transportation needs are totaled, the cost of college is beyond reasonable for many, and impossible for some. A college education is essential to function in today’s world, I would even go as far to say that it’s functionally what a high school diploma was just a few decades ago. The majority of students take on loads of debt, study with a financial cloud over their head, and graduate with a chain ball dragging at their feet. Additionally, school loans are also one of the few loans you can’t escape from (barring faking your own death), whilst a Wall Street corporation can drive their company into the ground, …show more content…
This means a larger and more skilled workforce, a better-informed citizenry, and a more adaptable population to navigate their own lives, domestic issues, and foreign relations. A better-educated nation also makes a more technologically innovative, economically prosperous and internationally competitive one. A governmental provided higher education will break up cultures of poverty where most of those matriculated in college are legacies, as well as reduce inequality by treating disparity at its source—instead of its ailments. Moreover, the sociocultural benefits are enormous. College students are exposed to a diverse array of numerous cultural and artistic experiences that one would not normally be exposed to. They cultivate cultural awareness, interests, and friends that interweave disparate parts of our community. A developed cultural appreciation, while a directly personal and immeasurable benefit, ultimately helps to create a more refined, aware, and open-minded …show more content…
Our nation is a collective union of singular decision makers. College not only prepares individuals for careers, but also teaches them how to learn, to adapt to the ever-changing world, and to rationally work toward a better future for themselves and for their country. Our socio-cultural-economic world is in constant change and growth, and we rely on individuals to handle such problems or opportunities that benefit us all. Our continued existence and expansion is contingent on a continuous pool of learners, workers, and leaders. Our nation’s success depends entirely on our collective capacity, made up of a large number of college-educated people, to consistently make educated decisions. Decisions that affect our nation’s democratic ability to elect representatives, make laws, and be civically engaged. The more educated a person is, the more likely they are to vote, as they have a better understanding of how the system works, how to influence the system, and why participation is important. Education has in fact the strongest impact on voter turnout. In the 2008 presidential election 83% of the people with a diploma voted, while only 39% of those without a high school diploma voted. Those that are educated better develop the skills to understand the flow of events in national and international arenas, and are more likely to form political opinions,

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