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Analysis Of Narrative Close Reading

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Narrative Close reading The author uses imagery to develop the setting and plot throughout the essay in order to enhance the understanding and enjoyment for the reader. When describing the beautiful spring day it adds a whole new level of depth to the essay allowing whom ever is reading to picture the moment, the sun shinning and birds chirping. In addition the author uses imagery to describe the x-ray room where she was scared and uncomfortable. The description allows the readers to connect to with the author and truly understand the fear she had felt. The use of imagery to develop the plot and enhance the story, allows the readers to feel the same pain and emotions as she did specifically when describing her jump. The descriptive language

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...[Indiana University Libraries] Date: 24 February 2016, At: 16:43 Journal of Postcolonial Writing Vol. 46, No. 1, February 2010, 65–75 “He does not understand our customs”: Narrating orality and empire in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart Jarica Linn Watts* University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA Downloaded by [Indiana University Libraries] at 16:43 24 February 2016 Jarica 0 100000February 46 2010 &Article OriginalofFrancis 1744-9855 (print)/1744-9863 JournalandPostcolonial 10.1080/17449850903478189(online) RJPW_A_448194.sgm TaylorLinnWatts 2010 Writing Francis This article delineates different strains of Achebe’s narrative technique in Things Fall Apart, arguing that earlier critics have failed to account fully for two fundamental principles in Achebe’s narrative: the myriad phrases that are repeated throughout the first part of the work; and the formative shift, the poetic volta, that takes place between parts one and two of the novel. Drawing on Achebe’s assertion that “anyone seeking an...

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