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The Black Jacobins

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For us to understand the way illocutionary force of The Black Jacobins it is necessary to realize this much: first, that this book functions in connection with two intellectual communities alongside which it organically emerges; second, that rather than merely mentioning it, this aspect ought to be taken to its logical conclusion. As Glick remarks (52), the main communities with which this book establishes an interlocution are the Pan-Africanist struggles in London against Italy’s fascist inroads in Ethiopia and a certain school of renowned French socialist scholars (Michelet, Lefebvre, Aulard, Mathiez, and Jaures). As regards the former, Buhle points out to the fundamental role The Black Jacobins was meant to play in the African Revolution: …show more content…
I had in mind writing about the San Domingo Revolution as the preparation for (...) the revolution in Africa” ([my emphasis], cit. in Scott 72). On the other hand and concerning French radical historiography, Lefevbre’s anaylsis of the French Revolution is pervasive in the footnotes of The Black Jacobins, whereas apropos of Michelet James claims that the latter’s work was “the best preparation for understanding what actually happened in San Domingo” …show more content…
The previous aspect need not mean that tragedy be an unimportant rhetorical element in The Black Jacobins. I agree with Scott that James’s inclusion of seven paragraphs in the The Black Jacobins edition of 1963 (165), coupled with his comments in How I would Rewrite the Black Jacobins (1971 [cit. in Scott 102]) implies a heightened focus on the tragic aspects of this book. However, pace Scott, I should like to contend that tragedy is there all along (i.e., not just from the second edition onwards (cf. also Glick 42,50, 52) and that it takes less the form of an individual inability to decide between incommensurable ends (Scott 155) than of the Marxist problem concerning the relationship between leader and base (cf. Glick 2007). James’s idea was to show that just as the success of the Haitian Revolution had been contingent upon the revolutionary ideas of the Jacobins in France, by the same token the African revolution would have to depend upon the socialist revolution in Europe. Hence his call in The Black Jacobins for an African revolution where the individual leaders always-already refer to the foremost importance of the revolutionary collectivity: “Let the blacks but hear from Europe the slogans of Revolution, and the Internationale, in the same concrete manner that the slaves of San Domingo heard Liberty and Equality and the Marseillaise, and from the mass uprising will emerge the Toussaints, the Christopher, and the Dessalines. They will hear" (315). To put it in a

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