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Book Of Mormon Analysis

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Likely among the most poignant and disturbing scenes of the Book of Mormon is that found in Alma chapter 14, the burning of the women and children taught by Amulek and Alma, while they (Amulek and Alma) are forced to look on. Amulek’s cry to Alma, in which he pleads that they use the power of God, a power he knows they possess, a power he has faith in, to save the most innocent and vulnerable of his population, expresses the intense depth of his pain. As a reader, one cannot help but cry out in anguish when Alma’s answer is that the “Spirit of the Lord constraineth [him]”. (Alma 14:11) And while the Spirit also informs Alma that the spirits of the women and children are received “in glory” by the Lord himself, the horror of the act remains. …show more content…
The first is found in Alma chapter eight, verse 17. At this time, Alma is speaking with an angel after being rejected from Ammonihah for the first time. During this first mission in the city, “they reviled him, spit upon him, and cast him out of their city.” (Harbertson) This first rejection likely threatened the safety of Alma and for that reason he is departing from the city. The angel however, commands Alma to return—and the reasoning is fairly political. The angel says: “For behold, they do study at this time that they may destroy the liberty of thy people, (for thus saith the Lord) which is contrary to the statutes and judgments, and commandments which he has given to his people.” At this time, Alma has just stepped down from his position as High Priest, a significant leader in the land of Zarahemla, in order to be a missionary and bring souls to Christ. Thus it is easy to conclude that “thy people” are the people of Zarahemla (along with all other righteous individuals in the surrounding areas). Zarahemla is, in modern terms, the “capitol” of the Nephite nation. A threat to Zarahemla is a threat to it’s righteous citizens who desire liberty. And God has promised that a righteous people will not perish, that they will retain their liberty. (2 Nephi

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