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Trisomy Research Paper

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Humans have 23 pair of chromosomes or in total 46 chromosomes. 22 pairs are autosomes and 1 pair is sex chromosome. The autosomes carry information regarding the whole body except for sex of that human. The sex is determined with the sex chromosome. If the sex chromosome contains two XX then the sex is said to be female, and if it is XY it is male. A trisomy is a chromosomal abnormality in which the total number of chromosomes exceeds, and the person has 47 chromosomes instead of 46. There are three major types of trisomy, depending upon the addition of chromosomes. These are Patau Syndrome, Edward Syndrome and Down’s syndrome. Children born with trisomy have multiple birth defects, which include poor intellect and delayed milestone. …show more content…
This syndrome is characterized my physical disabilities and lack of intellect. In this condition the abnormality occurs at chromosome number 13, where there are three chromosomes instead of normal two chromosomes. This increase the total number of chromosome from 46 to 47. Children born with trisomy 13 have heart defects, spinal cord and brain defects; they might have extra finger or toe, have weak muscle tone, opening of the upper lip of opening in the roof of the mouth and ill developed eyes. There are so many abnormalities in this disease that the child that is born with this disease die in first few days or week after birth. Only around 5-10% children survive till 5 years of age. In about 16,000 births one patient suffers from trisomy 13. Trisomy can occur in child of women of any age but it is more likely to occur in women who have older age. Trisomy is not inherited it might occur due to abnormal translocation of genes during formation of eggs or sperms. Diagnostic Tests include Amniocentesis, biopsy, A1C, CAT scan and other vital that include blood pressure, blood tests and breathing rate. Diagnostic imaging can be helpful as well, imaging includes fetal ultrasound, endoscopy, genetic testing. Trisomy 13 is very life threatening and hence there is no specific treatment, the treatment is basically based on

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