...Job Title: Librarian Supervisor: High School Principal Pay Rate: Level 3 Job Goals: Empower students and faculty to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skilled researchers, and ethical users of information and resources provided both inside the high school library and other outside sources. Job Duties: * Opening and/or closing library * Assist students and faculty in researching and finding requested information * Search online sources, periodicals, books and other resources to assist students and faculty members with reference question * Organization of the librarian office and library calendar * Organization of materials and sources * Checking resources in and out of library * Assist in teaching students and faculty basic computer skills, such as searching computerized databases. * Review and evaluate current library materials * Supervise student librarian helpers * Cooperate and network with other libraries, librarians, and agencies to provide access to resources outside the school * Order updated materials and remove old or outdated material from library * Research and locate information in response to specific requests and questions * Explain library facilities, resources, equipment, and services, and provide information about library policies * Respond to students and faculty complaints, taking action as necessary * Develop library policies and procedures * Maintaining cleanliness throughout...
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...of a Collection Development Librarian Prepared by: Renz C. Cao MLIS Carmelita A. Tiglao Professor Qualities of a Collection Development Librarian Collection development is the process of systematically building library collections to serve study, teaching, research, recreational, and other needs of library users. The process includes selection, and de-selection of current and retrospective materials, planning of coherent strategies for continuing acquisition and evaluation of collections to ascertain how well they serve user needs (Gabriel, 1995). And in order for a librarian to be competent in this area, he must possess some qualities that are mentioned as follows: Collection development librarians must be knowledgeable with the present collections of his library. He must know the strengths and weaknesses of the library collections. Proper evaluation with the present situation of the library is needed to know which part of the collection is needed to improve, what to remove and also what to retain. Being a goal-oriented person is also an important competency of a collection development librarian. In developing the library collection, goals and objectives must be set based on its parent institution. Librarian must work hard to achieve these goals to become more effective. Proper discipline and hardwork are really part of the process in order to meet the set goals and objectives. An effective collection development librarian must also be responsive to the...
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...Article Tile: Specific legal issues affecting the implementation of computer-based information systems in the developing countries: a critical review of literature A paper presented to the Journal of library and information science for consideration for publication. Date: November 2015 Author: Daniel Kinyanjui (Bsc-Information Science-Moi University-Eldoret, Kenya and Currently Studying Masters of Library and Information Science at Kenyatta University-Kenya) Daniel is also the editor of institutional in-house publications at Oshwal College-Nairobi and the College Head of Library Services. Abstract Implementation of computer-based information systems (CBIS) has become increasingly important due to the growing reliance on new technologies by organisations in their operations and service delivery. There has also been realisation by individuals and businesses of the inevitability of delivering value-added services without computerized systems. Despite this awareness and the apparent growing readiness to deploy computer-based systems, there still exists a myriad of perennial challenges inhibiting the implementation of these systems. Using insights from previous studies, the paper sums up the legal issues that have been acknowledged by various scholars as major obstacles to the implementation of CBIS in developing countries. Drawing from the understanding of these challenges, the author finally attempts to advance possible strategies that can be used to overcome these...
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...Guiding Principles An effective orientation will: • Foster an understanding of the campus culture, its values, and its diversity • Help the new employee make a successful adjustment to the new job • Help the new employee understand her role and how she fits into the total organization • Help the new employee achieve objectives and shorten the learning curve • Help the new employee develop a positive working relationship by building a foundation of knowledge about campus mission, objectives, policies, organization structure, and functions Before the Employee Arrives The new employee orientation process begins before the employee comes to work. Planning ahead for your new employee's arrival will allow you to spend productive time on that first day. So, before the employee arrives you should: • Notify everyone in your unit that a new person is starting and what the person's job will be. Ask the other staff members to welcome the new employee and encourage their support. • Prepare interesting tasks for the employee's first day. • Make a copy of the job description card, Brassring job vacancy listing (JVL), job performance standards, campus organization chart, and your department's organization chart. • Enroll the employee in the New Employee Welcome & Orientation class through the Employee Development & Training Unit in Human Resources. Ensure that they are enrolled in the Benefits Orientation as well. Enrollment in the on-line or...
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...services are key components all types of libraries. Acquisitions, cataloguing, and processing are all required to prepare a book or electronic resource for circulation by a patron. But in many school districts, school librarians will be solely responsible for acquisitions, cataloguing, and processing of their library resources. Ultimately, school librarians may perform many of the duties associated with library technical services and need to be aware of...
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...Library By thr StudentUse of Library by the Students of Foundation University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Rawalpindi Muhammad Tayyab Alam Bukhari* Muhammad Maqsood Alam Bukhari** Najma Ranjha*** Khurshid Ahmad**** Fouzia Naz***** Abstract This study investigated the use of library by the students of Foundation University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Rawalpindi. The importance of library as an institution has been realized. The Objectives of this study were (a) to investigate the present use of library by the students of Foundation University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (b) to analyze the organizational set up of library for the purpose of effective learning (c) to identify the problems faced by the students in the use of library and (d) to give recommendations for effective use of library. The nature of this study was descriptive. The population of this study consisted of all the MA /M.Sc. level students. One hundred and eighty students of various programs were selected randomly as sample. A self developed questionnaire consisting of 10 items was used as instrument for data collection. It was concluded that the majority of the students hesitated to use the library because of the problems they faced during its use. Lack of books, lack of organizational set up and lack of space and other physical facilities were the major factors associated with the less use of library. Keywords: Library use; Students; Academic libraries; Pakistan ...
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...2014 ISSN: 2165-1019 Approved December 17, 2013 www.ala.org/aasl/slr Factors Affecting Students’ Information Literacy as They Transition from High School to College Jana Varlejs, Professor Emerita, Rutgers, 612 S. First Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904, 732846-6850 Eileen Stec, Instruction & Outreach Librarian, Douglass Library, Rutgers, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, 848-932-5009 Hannah Kwon, PhD Student, Rutgers SC&I, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Abstract Despite the considerable attention paid to the need to increase the information literacy of high school students in preparation for the transition to college, poor research skills still seem to be the norm. To gain insight into the problem, library instruction environments of nineteen high schools were explored. The schools were selected based on whether their graduates did well or poorly on information-skills assignments integrated in a required first-year college course. The librarians in the nineteen schools were asked to characterize their working relationships with teachers, estimate their students’ information-literacy achievement, and provide data on their staffing and budgets. Findings suggest that school librarians are seldom in a position to adequately collaborate with teachers and that their opportunities to help students achieve information literacy are limited. Introduction The study reported in this paper was inspired by observations made by students in the Master’s in Library and Information Science (MLIS)...
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...the MLIS as current librarians seek retirement and technology continues to infiltrate libraries across our nation. I am currently interested in pursuing the MLIS plus the K-12 licensure in order to serve in an urban school library setting. My current teaching assignment of computer technology lends itself to a smooth transition from the classroom to a librarian position as our school district places more emphasis on digital media. I remain fully committed to providing instruction to students; however, with teachers and school librarians retiring in droves, I fear that our schools will be left with overworked teachers and no librarians in our schools. By completing the MLIS degree, I will be accomplishing an additional career objective. I remain committed to my career goals that were previously established many years ago. My first goal was accomplished by completing my undergraduate course of study at the University of Cincinnati. My second career goal was to obtain my M. Ed. In School Administration and I accomplished that particular goal in the year 2000. My third goal, albeit somewhat personal, was to earn my private pilot’s license, and I successfully completed that task in 2001. My fourth career oriented goal was to transition from teaching Spanish to teaching computer science with an ultimate goal of finishing the required courses to earn the MLIS degree. I am currently in the middle of this goal. After speaking to our retiring librarian, she suggested that...
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...O’Connor University of North Texas August 5, 2012 Abstract Within our country, the diverse users who visit libraries and seek information services from their librarians are many. Within the 21st century dynamic demographics are creating diverse communities which bring significant challenges in our library systems. In order to target the needs of diverse users, librarians and information professionals are taking on a multifaceted approach. This approach requires librarians to provide a variety of quality information services to diverse users while advocating diversity standards. The manner in which diverse users will be best served by librarians will fall upon the understanding and employment of four relevant criteria. The advocacy of successful programs and community support systems, diverse collection development, implementation of guidelines and legislation, and targeted diversity training for librarians and staff are all needed in order for librarians to adequately serve those diverse user population groups within their library communities. Introduction In the information field, librarians are taking important steps to stay relevant and effective to those users living in a 21st century environment who require information services. The makeup of users however, is a fluid reality that librarians must remain mindful of even as advances continue to shape our information age. Successful libraries in many ways are assessed in their value and accountability levels...
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...Everybody benefits Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Library and Information Service which consists of two libraries (Crawley and East Surrey - Redhill), is part of the Kent Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Libraries group. I have been working there for just over four years and have had the pleasure and opportunity to work and lead a partnership between a UK and an African library. The partnership is specifically between the Albert Cook Medical School Library, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda and Kent Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Libraries (formally South Thames Library and Information Service). It has existed informally since about 1994. This was made formal in September 2000, under the guidance of the registered charity Partners in Health Information (PHI). The aim of the partnership is to encourage the free flow of health related knowledge between nations. For further details see: http://www.surreyandsussex.nhs.uk/lis/documents/Ugandaleaflet.pdf During the span of this partnership a number of visits have been made to UK and to Uganda. I have been specifically involved with the visit that took place in January 2005 to set up the website for the Albert Cook and more recently in March 2009 to update the site. The main aims of the latter visit was to change the site from a static Hyper Text Mark Up Language (HTML) to a dynamic website with the potential for added functionality. The improved website would also facilitate library staff updating...
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...know that modern school libraries are operating at great pace striving to serve as many students as possible with the best of their abilities. But as the years rolled by, the number of study has grown and the manual method of managing student and book records is no longer practical. A Library Management System is a system that makes use of information technology to perform managerial objects. The main goal of a library management information system is to store, organize, share and retrieve vital information needed to perform daily operational functions of the library. St. Matthew Academy of Cavite does not have one. Since library has a very large number of books and large number of members, it is impossible for librarians to handle day to day activities manually. Therefore, a library management system is used to facilitate the tasks in the library. With growing population and high demand of students, St. Matthew Academy of Cavite is in need of such system. And so this is the reason why the proponents came up with the idea of developing the system. By means of obtaining good performance of such system for the library, the level of production and effectiveness...
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...As a librarian the tasks that you are required to perform include, responding to patron’s complaints, plan customer services, explaining the use of the library and its equipment also resources and services. Must be able to locate patron’s special informational requests, reviewing and evaluating the library’s materials, plan and teach classes that consist of, technology, information literacy, and library instruction. Other tasks to perform include, teaching patron basic computer skills, searching standard reference materials, analyzing requests and assisting with locating information. Some of the basic knowledge you must have to perform this job includes, knowledge of media production, communication methods and techniques, having some basic knowledge of business and management principals and knowledge of administration and clerical functions. Education and training is a must, this includes being able to instruct individuals and groups of people as well as training abilities. You must have knowledge and structure of English language sentence structure, and content of the English language. Computers and electronic is a must and the ability to work with customers and give great personal service. As a librarian you must also have skills and abilities to perform the job. Some of these include reading, writing, and critical thinking skills also, oral comprehension, written comprehension, and oral expression. This is a job description for a librarian so she or he may understand what requirements...
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...we have chosen as the system area is the Pilar College Library. The library serves as an information center for the whole academic community. It is supervised by professional librarians and its support staff. The library staff believes that a library performs its function well when it makes its resources relevant to the information needs of the clientele. Sources alone do not make a library. It is when people interact with sources- librarians guiding the users in utilizing its collection-make the true meaning of the library as an INFORMATION SERVICE. The history was silent regarding the year in which the school actually started to have a library. II. The Old System The business functions of the libraries are the borrowing/loaning and returning of books. They record the students who entered the library using a log book in which students write down respective names and courses. It is to be noted that a borrower’s card is given to all library users at the beginning of the school year. In borrowing, students are expected to present their borrower’s card to the librarian assigned (for writing the book title and stamp the due date therein). After that the student/s can already take home the book borrowed. On returning of books, the student/s should make sure that the card was signed by the librarian before getting it back. III. The Problem So it is evident that the library has a problem on recording of these transactions because operating on a manual way is very inefficient...
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...The GUI for the system was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic.Net [5]. The GUI task is to store details information of the book to the database. Subsequently a Shelf ID was created and coded to the RFID tag initially. The system then uses this code to find any misplaced book on the selected shelf. The Library management system is a planning system for a library that is used to track items, orders made, bill paid and patrons who have borrowed. Ordinarily the librarians spend much time on rearranging the misplaced books. This system will reduce the amount of time taken by the librarian in rearranging. The position of the books on the shelf need to be appropriate or the books will be difficult to be found. The demerit of this system is that this is useful only for the librarians in searching and assisting them in arranging them back properly and the users are not benefitted...
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...Computerized Book Inventory System Golden Success College 1297 V. Rama Ave. Corner Singson St. Guadalupe, Cebu City A Project Implementation Report Presented to The Faculty of Information Technology Golden Success College, Inc. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Capstone Project Proponents Dave Oficiar Barabat Catherine Rule Benlot Mark Jayson Jarina Cueva Mia Mangyao Labonite Ms. Lenny B. Yamilo Adviser October 2014 Table of Contents Page No. Acknowledgement Report Summary Project Proposal Introduction Rationale of the Study Background of the Study Statement of the Problem General Problem Specific Problem Objectives of the Problem General Objectives Specific Objectives Scope and Limitation Scope of the Study Limitation of the Study Significance of the Study System Design Specification System Design Review of Related Literature Methodology of the Study Theoretical Framework Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Curriculum Vitae Glossary Bibliography Acknowledgement The proponents would like to express the deepest appreciation to Ms. Leny B. Yamilo, who has the attitude and the substance of a genius; she continually and convincingly conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to research and an excitement in regarding to teaching. Without her guidance and persistent help this dissertation would not have been possible. Special thanks also to my co-proponents, who stood and determinedly joined...
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