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Library Management System Research Paper

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Library Management System with Rack Identification and Deadline Intimation
Using GSM

1K.S.Rangasamy college of Technology, ECE, S.PAVYA2
2K.S.Rangasamy college of Technology, ECE, Abstract The major problem faced by the users in the university libraries and big libraries is the identification of the books in the certain racks where they are placed. To overcome this difficulty library management with identification of the specific racks is implemented. The deadline of the book to be returned is also intimated to the user by means of an intimation message from the management system through the GSM module. The RFID tag is used to store the information of the user who has …show more content…
Library database [2] is an electronic catalog, often containing information about publishing books, and is searchable. All the books availability and their location are maintained in the library database. If any book is issued to the user or returned to the library, then the database will automatically update information about the number of books available. The system mainly consists of two sections, one is a mobile user unit and another is a library management system. The mobile user unit is a mobile with a network provider facility. The library management system consists of GSM modem with an SMS gateway server that accesses the library database. The user can request for any book by means of a SMS. The disadvantage of this system is that the user can check the availability of the books only from the ease of home and not intimated about the books …show more content…
The GUI for the system was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic.Net [5]. The GUI task is to store details information of the book to the database. Subsequently a Shelf ID was created and coded to the RFID tag initially. The system then uses this code to find any misplaced book on the selected shelf. The Library management system is a planning system for a library that is used to track items, orders made, bill paid and patrons who have borrowed. Ordinarily the librarians spend much time on rearranging the misplaced books. This system will reduce the amount of time taken by the librarian in rearranging. The position of the books on the shelf need to be appropriate or the books will be difficult to be found. The demerit of this system is that this is useful only for the librarians in searching and assisting them in arranging them back properly and the users are not benefitted

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