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Making a System Report


Submitted By RCSugabo
Words 1580
Pages 7
Rojas, Jeannette
Santos, Sheah Sean
Silorio, Nicole
Sugabo, Roselle Christ
Tampus, Mariz Stephanie

System Report Project

I. The System Area

The entity that we have chosen as the system area is the Pilar College Library. The library serves as an information center for the whole academic community. It is supervised by professional librarians and its support staff. The library staff believes that a library performs its function well when it makes its resources relevant to the information needs of the clientele. Sources alone do not make a library. It is when people interact with sources- librarians guiding the users in utilizing its collection-make the true meaning of the library as an INFORMATION SERVICE. The history was silent regarding the year in which the school actually started to have a library.

II. The Old System

The business functions of the libraries are the borrowing/loaning and returning of books. They record the students who entered the library using a log book in which students write down respective names and courses. It is to be noted that a borrower’s card is given to all library users at the beginning of the school year. In borrowing, students are expected to present their borrower’s card to the librarian assigned (for writing the book title and stamp the due date therein). After that the student/s can already take home the book borrowed. On returning of books, the student/s should make sure that the card was signed by the librarian before getting it back.

III. The Problem

So it is evident that the library has a problem on recording of these transactions because operating on a manual way is very inefficient from the perspective of the system analysts. As much as possible, every employee as well as the students want a very efficient and fast way of loaning and borrowing of books. In line with this, in order to operate

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