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Positive Parenting Program Analysis

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The positive parenting program or Triple P for short is was developed at the university of Queensland located in Brisbane Australia (Sanders, 1999). Triple-P is a form of behavioral family intervention based on social learning principles. This approach to the treatment and prevention of childhood disorders has the strongest empirical support of any intervention with children, particularly those with conduct problems (Sanders, 1999). The programs aims to (a) enhance the knowledge, self-sufficiency, and resourcefulness of parents of preadolescent children; (b) healthy and low conflict environments for children; (c) promote children's social, emotional, language, intellectual, and behavioral development through positive parenting practices(Sanders, …show more content…
Triple P as mentioned is tiered intervention with five levels and parents move through the levels only when it is deemed fit to do so (Sanders 2008). In contrast, HNC only has two phase and parents are expected to complete both phases. The lack of structure is a benefit that Triple P has over HNC because it allows for clinicians to only implement as much time, energy and resources that a family needs. Furthermore, HNC focuses on children from age three to eight. Any child outside of that range are ruled out as possible participants. Meanwhile Tripe P is designed for parents of children zero to twelve years old Giving Triple P a wider range of possible participants. The wider age range is a benefit to families but it does require that clinicians are knowledgeable on a wider range of ages in order for interventions and given resources to be effective.
Additionally, HNC is a program designed for parents and their child to participant throughout the process. In contrast, parents can participate in Triple P without a child during level one and most likely will include their child in some or all of the following levels. The ability for parents to engage without children simply to obtain parenting resources makes Triple P a preventative option for parents which is a strength over HNC where parents can only engage once there is already intense behavior …show more content…
HNC is described as being implemented by a therapist Triple P, can be implemented by various professionals such as nurses, family doctors, pediatricians, teachers, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and police officers, to name a few (Sanders, 1999). This in theory allows for Triple P to be more accessible to more families since more professionals can be trained to implement it. It also opens up for the opportunity for families to receive intervention from professionals they already know and trust versus a new therapist where they must build rapport with. HNC also is conducted in a structured environment families are expected to come to in order to engage with the therapist to learn and improve skills. Triple P however, can be conducted face-to-face group, over the phone, or self-directed, or a combination of all these options (Sanders, 1999). This flexibility enables parents to participate in ways that suit their individual circumstance (Sanders, 1999). HNC also within its very structured approach has an objective to teach parents how to attend, rewards, ignore and timeout and how to implement them effectively. In contrast, within Triple P it is stated that when applicable family interventions will be given but it does not specify that specially timeout, attends, rewards, or ignore will be used. This is because unlike HNC Triple P addresses the unique needs of each family which does

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