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European Exploration Research Paper

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The causes and effects of European Exploration were many and varied. Europeans did many things and reached many different places. Since Gold and Glory was on of the things all European Explorers wanted, the strived to find big and bold things. They wanted to settle in the new lands and find far away places that nobody had discovered before. The explorers wanted to find a way to Asia for riches. They also wanted fame and to get silk and spices. Some of the spices they wanted to find were Ginger, Nutmeg, Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, and many others. Some luxury items they wanted were gold, silver, porcelains, and tea.
Because of religion people were forced to go to what they call “The Americas.” Explorers wanted to escape from England because of …show more content…
They had better and faster moving ships. The hull was designed to ride out in ocean storms. The caravel is a ship with two sails. One is sailing with the wind and one is sailing into it. They also put canons on the ships. They created the astrolabe which could tell north and south of the equator by the position of the stars.

Natives were dying off because of their health. They had no way to treat serious health problems like illnesses. People were catching all kinds of diseases which made the very ill. Some died coming to america. They also lacked food and water. It wasn’t surprising that they died. They didn’t have the proper things they needed to survive
If the Europeans wouldn’t have came to America we wouldn’t be here to this very day! Magellan and his crew sailed around the world from 1519 to 1522. Hernando Cortez claimed the land for Spain in. Columbus was the first European to reach the Americas in 1492. See if Columbus didn’t want to travel to Asia he would’ve never found …show more content…
Slave owner would make them do many thing that they would normally not even do. Some had to steal. Some had to kill animals for food, do all the dirty work, as in skinning, cooking, and cleaning up the mess. There were very few slave owners who treated their slaves well. Most of the time they wouldn’t even have a meal. Slaves provided a quick available solution to the need for workers. 10,000 slaves were brought to the Americas in 1540. There were about 70,000 slaves by the time the 1500’s rolled around.
Since many explorers wanted to find a route to Asia, many of them found other places nobody had ever discovered. The sailors learned more about geography like longitude and latitude. Pizarro took a small force into South America and conquered the Atahualpa and Inca empires. Cortes and 600 other men went to the Aztec capital and by 1521 they conquered the Aztec empire and captured the ruler, Montezuma. Magellan sailed around the world with his crew but died. His crew continued without him. The Triangular Trade was trading between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. They traded goods to Africa for captured Africans. The Africans were taken to the west indies and merchants bought goods given back to

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