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Heart Disease Research Paper

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Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are prevalent diseases in our country at this time.
According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country, followed closely by cancer.1 Diabetes is on the list as well as the seventh leading cause of death in
America.1 While many people are aware of the relationship between heart disease and diabetes, not as many people are aware that diabetes and heart disease can increase a person’s risk for cancer. Risk factors and symptoms associated with the diseases decrease a person’s overall health, and therefore puts them at risk for many more diseases. The connection between cancer, diabetes, and heart disease is through several underlying factors.2Some of these factors being, …show more content…
The main topics of discussion are usually its ability as an anti-inflammatory hormone, and its link to insulin action.3 It is thought that adiponectin enhances the actions of insulin and it may play part in reversing insulin resistance.2 However, these are not the only functions of adiponectin. It also has anti-atherogenic effects, and in addition it may even take part in vascular and cardio protective actions.3 However, when adipose cells enlarge, the secretion of adiponectin decreases.2,3,4 Therefore, it is unable to complete all of its usual functions. Without its abilities as an anti-inflammatory, insulin enhancer and its anti-atherogenic effects a person is more at risk for disease.3 Specifically, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Resistin production is increased in enlarged adipose tissue.3 Resistin is known to …show more content…
The article related to what we talked about in class because it was such a basic overview.
One of the main points we talked about in class was the fact that it is a syndrome meaning it is a collection of related conditions and not a single disease. This is something that the article made pretty clear as well. Metabolic syndrome is a condition that needs to be talked about in relation to the elderly. The article stated that the number of people with metabolic syndrome increases with age. It affects 4 in 10 Americans 60 and older.6In the end the article did exactly what I intended, it helped me and my group understand what metabolic syndrome is. The next article was “Diagnosing metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetes: does it matter?”
The title of the article really explains what it is about, it discusses the prevalence of metabolic syndrome it and why it may not be diagnosed as often as it should be.7 We discussed this a lot

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