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Hypertensive Heart Disease Research Paper

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Hypertensive Heart Disease.

Hypertensive heart disease refers to heart conditions caused by high blood pressure. A number of different heart disorders are caused by the heart working under increased pressure. What does hypertensive heart disease includes? It cause heart failure, thickening of the heart muscle, coronary artery disease, and other condition. Hypertensive heart disease can cause serious health problems and is the leading cause of death from blood pressure. Who is at risk for hypertensive heart disease? Heart disease is the leading cause for death for both men and women in the United States. Over 610,000 Americans die from heart disease every year, the main risk factor for hypertensive heart disease is high blood pressure your risk increase if
• You’re Overweight
• You don’t exercise enough
• You smoke
• You eat high-fat and high-cholesterol foods. …show more content…
• Aspirin to prevent blood clots
Testing and Diagnosis: When to see the doctor.
Your doctor will review your medical history, conduct a physical exam, and run lab tests to check your kidneys, sodium, potassium, and blood count. Recovering from hypertensive heart disease depends on the exact condition and its intensity. Lifestyle changes can help keep the condition from getting worse in some cases. In severe cases, medications and surgery may not be effective in controlling the disease.
• Electrocardiogram: monitors and records your heart’s electrical activity. Your doctor will attach patches to your chest, legs, and arms.
• Echocardiogram: takes a detailed picture of your heart and using ultrasound.
• Coronary angiography: examines the flow of blood through your heart.
• Nuclear stress test: examines the flow of blood into the heart. The test is usually conducted while you’re resting.
Preventing Hypertensive Heart

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