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Interconnecting Reflection Paper

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The exploration of the Archives last week in the library allowed me to take a walk into the past of UMass student activism. However what struck me and made an interconnection was what I need to focus on and that being my capstone paper. While spending time in Amsterdam and looking at Northern European policies around incarceration rates I wanted to compare the two countries. Unsure of what I wanted to research in the archives, and how this trip could later develop into another paper I needed to write, I started to piece things together as I began to recall articles read over the last two semesters in STPEC in order to bridge together the bigger picture of social and economic injustices impacting communities of color and working class populations. …show more content…
Through her work this paper will consider how the reduction of funding to public schools and an increase in police presences in schools contributes to the over represented bodies affected by other discriminating policies against communities of color. In addition to her work on school systems we can examine the reasons why funding for a large Sr. center and massive War Memorial was more critical than school funding and environmental increase of recycling services. Completing this analysis, we’ll evaluate why politics is not always the best answer to address economic disparities in predominantly black and brown …show more content…
Her work describes the restructuring of policies enforcing racial discrimination through such policies like Stop and Frisk after 911 and the use increased discrimination of citizens with Middle Eastern backgrounds. She explains, ““The fate of millions of people—indeed the future of the black community itself—may depend on the willingness of those who care about racial justice to re-examine their basic assumptions about the role of the criminal justice system in our society.” By asking such questions she puts the responsibility on citizens, recognizing our influence of voting and self-awareness to act in part for those with less economical political power as a result of recent policies from the last 15 years. Within her frame work we can see how institutional policies coupled with conservative politics eliminating public services and increasing funding for military like public sector jobs in police

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