Premium Essay

Garland's Ear: A Narrative Fiction

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Words 767
Pages 4
not hurt a fly.’’ He said crying and begging. The hooded man pulled out a sword from his hilt and turned it to Garland. In a swift move, the hooded man ripped through Garland’s chest and slashed it upwards to make an opening from chest to shoulder. Garland’s mouth filled up with blood and the blood from the wound landed on the stranger’s cheeks. Garland’s body fell down and the hooded man turned to the stranger. ‘’You, you are not my hooded friend, are you?’’ the stranger asked while walking backwards. The man’s breath was dark and broody, was he a man or a ghost? ‘’You will find a friend in me, detective.’’ the dark voice answered. ''I promised myself that I would save you’’ The murderer held up his sword with his left hand. He noticed a red cross carved on …show more content…
‘’You cannot hide from me, detective’’ the priest said. The stranger shifted to another angle and watched him. He took off his shoes and threw them towards a corner. The priest followed the noise. Now he could walk silent and take him unawares. ‘’Let me save you, detective’’ he said. The stranger creeped up behind him. As he was ready to strike, the murderer turned around and held the sword at his throat. Blood trickled down his shirt, a small cut, but any deeper and he would die. ‘’I got you, detective. Embrace your death’’ the priest said. Then the strange pulled the trigger and the bullet hit him in the chest. The stranger jumped back as the priest released the sword. Everett closed his hands over the wound and whispered a small prayer, impossible to grasp the words. Then he fell down face first into the stone floor and it was over. His wound started to hurt, and he needed to patch himself up. The stranger grabbed the sword and held it close. His chest bled through his shirt and coat, and the pain was unbearable. The steps up was a pain, each step made him grunt. The door was open, and the sun was sharing its light down the stair.

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