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Annotated Bibliography Research

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Annotated Bibliography

Research Question:
Are students benefiting from the integration of technology in the educational system?


Abbas, A. and Faiz, A. (2013), ‘Usefulness of digital and traditional libraries in higher education’. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol. 19, No 1/2/3, pp. 149-160.

This article compares the advantages of digital libraries to traditional libraries in higher education. This is done by students comparing their fundamental functions (access location, interaction, search and query of access). The results displayed advantages and disadvantages to both, however the article concludes that students prefer digital libraries over traditional. This was due to digital libraries being more …show more content…
Barab, S. A., Gresalfi, M. and Ingram - Goble, A. (2010), ‘Transformational Play: Using Games to Position Person, Content, and Context’, Educational Researcher, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp.525-536.

This research illustrates how videogames can create a learning system that is engaging, interactive and can further develop a student’s understanding of a topic. This is done via the use of ‘transformational play’ which involves students taking on a role with responsibility (such as a doctor or a scientist), placing them in a predicament and letting students make choices within this environment that have consequences. The advantages of this transformational play are examined compared to standard formal learning. To further validate the researcher’s claims, case studies have been provided.

This research is useful for my essay as it demonstrates how technology is evolving previous learning methods for the advancement of …show more content…
I can trust the credibility of the evidence and as it is from this year, it is also current with today’s technology teaching practices. (2017). Feature Guide for the Blackboard App | Blackboard Help. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2017].

This webpage, created by ‘Blackboard’ Corporation, provides a video tour of the ‘Blackboard’ app and a written overview of the apps features. The webpage discusses how the features in the Blackboard app assist students by keeping them up to date on their course content and assignments, announcements, discussions and academic progress. The app also aids students in assignment submission and completing

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