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Submitted By gopikve
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Pages 10


Hello Aspirants!!!
As these kind of questions are frequently asked in competitions it is important to practice them as much as you can so this is our first ANALOGY assignment for you people.
The explanation to all questions are mentioned after completion of 50 questions.
1. ‘Bank’ is related to ‘Money’ in the same way as ‘Transport’ is related to
a. Goods
b. Road
c. Movement
d. Traffic
e. Speed
2.’Fan’ is related to ‘Wings’ in the same way as ‘Wheel’ is related to
a. Round
b. Cars
c. Spokes
d. Moves
e. Air
3.’Captain’ is related to ‘Soldier’ in the same way as ‘Leader’ is related to
a. Chair
b. Follower
c. Party
d. Minister
e. Vote
4.’Skirmish’ is related to ‘War’ in the same way as ‘Disease’ is related to
a. Infection
b. Epidemic
c. patient
d. Medicine
e. Death
5.’Tree’ is related to ‘Root’ in the same way as ‘Smoke’ is related to.
a. Cigarette
b. Fire
c. Heat
d. Chimney
e. Wood
6.’Good’ is related to ‘Bad’ in the same way as ‘Smoke’ is related to
a. Wall
b. Pillar
c. Terrace
d. Window
e. Floor
7.’Oval’ is related to ‘Circle’ in the same way as ‘Rectangle’ is related to
a. Triangle
b. Square
c. Periphery
d. Diagonal
e. Pentagon
8.’Umpire’ is related to ‘March’ in the same way as ‘Judge’ is related to
a. Court
b. Lawyer
c. Judgment
d. Witness
e. Law Suit
9.’Video’ is related to ’Cassettes’ in the same way as ‘Computer’ is related to




a. Reels
b. Recording
c. Files
d. Floppy
e. None of these
10.’Museum’ is related to ‘Curator’ in the same way as ‘Prison’ is related to
a. Warden
b. Monitor
c. Manager
d. Jailor
e. None of these
11.’Hour’ is related to ‘Second’ in the same way as ‘Tertiary is related to
a. Ordinary
b. Secondary
c. Primary
d. Intermediary
e. None of these
12.’Fire’ is related to ‘Ashes’ in the same way as ‘Explosion’ is related to
a. Sound
b. Debris
c. Explosive
d. Flame
e. None of these
13.’Parliament’ is related to ‘Great Britain’ in the same way as ‘Congress’ is related to
a. Japan
b. India
c. USA
d. Netherlands
e. None of these
14.’Sports’ is related to ‘Logo’ in the same way as ‘Nation’ is related to
a. Emblem
b. Animal
c. Ruler
d. Anthem
e. None of these
15. ’Data Processing’ is related to ‘Raw Data’ in the same way as ‘University’ is related to
a. Teacher
b. Building
c. Students
d. Principal
e. None of these
16.’Braille’ is related to ‘Blindness’ in the same way as ‘Sign language’ is related to
a. Exceptional
b. Touch
c. Deafness
d. Presentation
e. None of these
17.’Boat’ is related to ‘Oar’ in the same way as ‘Bicycle’ is related to
a. Road
b. Wheel
c. Seat
d. Paddle
e. Chair
18.’ Match’ is related to ‘Victory’ in the same way as ‘Examination’ is related to
a. Write


b. Appear
c. Success
d. Attempt
e. Prepare
19.’ Heart’ is related to ‘Blood’ in the same way as ‘lung’ is related to
a. Oxygen
b. Chest
c. Purification
d. Air
e. Respiration
20. ‘Face’ is related to ‘Expression’ in the same way as ‘Hand’ is related to
a. Gesture
b. Work
c. Handshake
d. Pointing
e. Waving
21. ‘Wine’ is related to ‘Grapes’ in the same way as ‘Vodka’ is related to
a. Apples
b. Potatoes
c. Oranges
d. Flour
e. None of these
22. ‘Golf’ is related to ‘Holes’ in the same way as ‘Baseball’ is related to
a. Innings
b. Goal
c. points
d. Serve
e. None of these
23. ‘England’ is related to ‘Atlantic Ocean’ in the same as;’Greenland’ is related to
a. Pacific Ocean
b. Atlantic Ocean
c. Arctic Ocean
d. Antarctica Ocean
e. None of these
24. ‘Demographer’ is related to ‘People’ in the same way as ‘Philatelist’ is related to
a. Fossils
b. Stamps
c. Photography
d. Music
e. None of these
25. ‘Eye’ is to ‘See’ in the same way as ‘Ear’ is to
a. Ring
b. Sound
c. Hear
d. Smell
e. Light
26. ‘Disease’ is related to ‘Pathology’ in the same way as ‘Planet’ is related to
a. Sun
b. Satellite
c. astrology
d. astronomy
e. orbit
27.’Mountain’ is related to ‘Valley’ in the same way as ‘Enemy’ is related to
a. Cruel
b. Stranger





c. Country
d. Friend
e. Fight
28. ‘Horse’ is related to ‘Hoof’ in the same way as ‘Eagle’ is related to
a. Claw
b. Clutch
c. Leg
d. Foot
e. None of these
29. ‘Cube’ is related to ‘Square’ in the same way as ‘Square’ is related to
a. Plane
b. Triangle
c. Line
d. Pint
e. None of these
30. ‘Much’ is related to ‘Many’ in the same way as ‘Measure’ is related to
a. Count
b. Calculate
c. Measure
d. Weight
e. None of these
31.’Jungle is related to ‘Zoo’ in the same way as ‘Sea’ is related to
a. Harbour
b. Water
c. Aquarium
d. Fishery
e. None of these
32.’Metal’ is related to ‘Conduction’ in the same way as ‘Plastic’ is related to
a. Petrochemicals
b. Industries
c. Inflammation
d. Insulation
e. None of these
33.’Needle’ is related to ‘Clock’ in the same way as ‘Wheel’ is related to?
a. Drive
b. Vehicle
c. Circular
d. Move
e. Road
34.’Crawl’ is related to which of the following in the same way as ‘Fly’ is related to ‘Parrot’?
a. Rabbit
b. Fish
c. Frog
d. Crocodile
e. Sparrow
35.’Liberty’ is related to ‘Slavery’ in the same way as ‘Danger’ is related to
a. Safety
b. Dangerous
c. Anger
d. Stability
e. None of these
36.’Blood’ is related to ‘Vein’ in the same way as ‘Oil’ is related to
a. Car
b. Engine


c. Pipelines
e. None of these
37. ’Success’ is to ‘Failure’ as ‘Big’ is to
a. Great
b. Good
c. Small
d. Rig
e. None of these
38.’Pen’ is to ‘Pencil’ as ‘Hockey’ is to
a. Football
b. Ground
c. Team
d. Players
e. None of these
39.’Tall’ is related to ‘Dwarf’ in the same way as ‘Kind’ is related to
a. Weak
b. Gentle
c. cruel
d. Forgive
e. None of these
40.’Dog’ is related to ‘Kennel’ in the same way as ‘Bird’ is related to
a. Tree
b. Nest
c. Chirp
d. Fly
e. Cage
41.’Book’ is to ‘Open’ as Door is to
a. House
b. Shut
c. Close
d. Wood
e. None of these
42.’Usual’ is to ‘Common’ as Light’ is to
a. Bright
b. Black
c. Dark
d. Glow
e. None of these
43.’Pardon is to ‘Penalty’ as ‘Definitely’ is to
a. Actually
b. Probably
c. Urgently
d. Positively
e. None of these
44.’Uneasy’ is to ‘Quiet’ as ‘Fit’ is to
a. Proper
b. Suitable
c. Pertinent
d. Unfit
e. None of these
45.’Trap’ is to ‘Net’ as ‘Trade’ is to
a. Earning
b. Money
c. Profit



d. Pursuit
e. None of these
46.’Foot’ is related to ‘Shoe’ in the same way as ‘Neck’ is related to
a. Ornament
b. Necklace
c. Cut
d. Beauty
e. None of these
47.’Metal’ is related to ‘Sculptor’ in the same way as ‘Canvas’ is related to
a. Painter
b. Cloth
c. Colours
d. Painting
e. None of these
48.’Marriage’ is to Divorce’ as ‘True’ is to
a. Truth
b. Story
c. Fiction
d. False
e. None of these
49. ’Blot’ is to Stain’ in the same way as ‘Lean’ is to
a. Clean
b. Lone
c. Slender
d. Learn
e. None of these
50. Laugh’ is related to ‘Cry’ in the same way as ‘Catch’ is related to
a. Thief
b. Match
c. Release
d. Try
e. None of these





1.(a) A ‘Bank’ deals with transaction of ‘money’. Likewise ‘Transport’ deals with the movement of ‘Goods’.
2.(c) ‘Wings’ are the parts of a ‘Fan’. Likewise ‘Spokes’ are the parts of ‘Wheel’.
3.(b) /Caption’ is supposed to lead the battalian of ‘Soldier’ in the same way as leader is supposed to lead the ‘followers’.
4.(b) ‘Skirmish’, if uncontrolled gives rise to ‘War’. In the same way, ‘Disease’, if uncontrolled gives rise to ‘Epidemic’.
5.(b) ‘Tree’ originates from ‘Root’. Likewise ‘Smoke’ originates from ‘Fire.
6.(e) ‘Good’ is the word opposite in meaning to ‘Bad’ Similarly, ‘Floor’ is the antonym of ‘Roof’.
7.(b) ‘Oval’ is the figure which is similar to the ‘circle’ .Likewise ‘Rectangle’ is the figure which is similar to ‘Square’, as both of them have four corners.
8.(e) ‘Umpire’ is required to give decision in ‘Match’. Likewise ‘judge’ is required to give decision in a ‘Law Suit’.
9. (d) ‘Cassette’ is used as a software in the ‘Video’. Similarity, ‘Floppy’ is used as a software in the ‘Computer’.
10. (d) Person-in-charge of a ‘Museum’ is known as ‘Curator’ likewise person in-charge of a ‘prison’ is called ‘jailor’.
11.(c) ‘Second’ is the third position after ‘Hour’ in time measurement. Likewise ‘Tertiary’ is the third position after ‘Primary’ in the order of ranking.
12.(b) ‘Fire reduce anything to ‘Ashes’ in the same way as ‘Explosion’ reduce anything to ‘Debris’.
13.(c) The supreme law making authority of ‘Great Bretain’ is known as ‘Parliament’. In the same way law making supreme body of ‘USA’ is known as ‘Congress’.
14.(a) The symbol ‘Logo’ is related to ‘Sports’. Likewise ‘Emblem’ is related to a ‘Nation’.
15.(c) ‘Data Processing’ is the process of using ‘Raw Data’ to shape it in the final product. Likewise ‘University is the place which is used to shape the ‘Students’ for their career.
16.(c) ‘Braille’ is the technique of reading and writing for the blind persons. Similarly, ‘Sign language’ is the technique of reading and writing for deaf persons.
17.(d) ‘Oar’ is a device used to push a ‘Boat’. Likewise ‘Paddle’ is used to push the ‘Bicycle’.
18.(c) One of outcomes of ‘Match’ is “Victory”. Likewise ‘Success’ is one of the outcomes of ‘Examination’.
19.(a) ‘Heart’ is the organ which deals with the pumping and flow of ‘Blood’. In the same way, ‘Lungs’ deals with the storage and flow of ‘oxygen’.
20.(a) ‘Expression’ of a person is read from the ‘Face’. Likewise ‘Gesture’ of a person is read from the position of ‘Hand’.
21. (d) ‘Wine’ is made from Grapes and ‘Vodka’ is made from ‘Flour’.
22. (a) ‘Holes’ is the term which is related to ‘Golf’. In the same way, ‘Innings’ is the term which is related to ‘Baseball’.
23. (c) ‘England’ is situated in ‘Atlantic Ocean’. ‘Greenland’ is situated in ‘Arctic Ocean’.
24. (b) ‘Demographer’ is related with the study of Statistics related to ‘people’. Similarity, ‘Philatelist’ is related with the study of
25.(c) ‘The function of ‘Eye’ is to ‘See’ and that of “Ear’ is to ‘hear’.
26.(d) ‘Pathology’ is the branch of medical science which helps to detect symptom of ‘diseases’, and ‘Astronomy’ is the study by which we come to know about ‘Planets’.
27.(d) ‘Mountain’ is antonym of ‘Valley’. Likewise ‘Friend’ is the antonym of ‘Enemy’.




28.(a) The lower part of feet of ‘house’ is known as ‘Hoof’. In the same way, lower part of feet of ‘Eagle’ is known as ‘Claw’.
29.(c) ‘Cube’ comprises ‘Square’ on all of its surfaces. In the same way ‘Square’ comprises ‘Line’ on all of its sides.
30.(a) ‘Much’ is synonym of ‘Many’. Similarly, ‘Measure’ is synonym of ‘Count’.
31.(a) ‘Zoo’ is the small form of ‘jungle’ used for the shelter of animals. Similarly, ‘Harbour is the part of ‘Sea’ used as a place for shelter of ships.
32.(d) ‘Conduction’ is the property of ‘Metal’ due to which current flows in the metal. Similarly, ‘Insulation’ is the property of
‘plastic’ due to which current does not flow in it.
33.(b) ‘Needle’ is a part of ‘clock’ in the same way, as ‘wheel’ is a part of ‘vehicle’.
34.(d) ‘Parrot’ flies and ;’Crocodile’ crawls.
35.(a) ‘Liberty’ is opposite to slavery and ‘danger’ is opposite to ‘Safety’.
36.(c) ’Blood’ flows in ‘Vein’ in the same way, ‘Oil’ flows in ‘Pipelines’.
37.(c) ‘Success’ is opposite to ‘Failure’. In the same way ‘Big’ is opposite to ‘small’.
38.(a) ‘Pen’ and ‘Pencil’ are the articles to write and ‘Hockey’ and ‘Football’ are the items to play.
39.(c) ‘Tall’ is opposite to ‘Dwarf’ and ‘Cruel’ is opposite to ‘Kind’.
40.(e) ‘Kennel’ is the place where pet ‘Dogs’ are kept and ‘Cage’ is the place where pet ‘Birds’ are kept.
41.(b) A ‘Book’ is opened before reading it. Likewise movement of ‘Door’ is called ‘Shut’ for the purpose of closing it.
42.(d) ‘Usual’ and ‘Common’ are the words conveying the same meaning. Similarly, ‘Light and’ Glow’ are synonyms to each other.
43.(b) ‘Pardon’ and ‘Penalty’ are opposite to each other. Similarly, ‘Definitely’ and ‘Probably’ are to opposite to each other.
44.(d) ‘Uneasy’ and ‘Quit’ are opposite to each other. Likewise ‘Fit’ and ‘Unfit’ are opposite to each other.
45.(b) ‘Net’ is required to ‘Trap’ and Money’ is required for ‘Trade’.
46.(b) ‘Shoe’ is used on ‘Foot’ and ‘Necklace’ is used in the ‘Neck’.
47.(a) ‘Sculptor’ works on ‘Metal’ and ‘Painter’ works on ‘Canvas’.
48.(d) ‘Divorce’ is the antonym of ‘Marriage’. Likewise ‘False’ is the antonym of ‘True’.
49.(c) ‘Blot’ and ‘Stain’ are same in meaning. Likewise ‘Slender’ is same in meaning as ‘Lean’.
50.(c) ‘Cry’ is opposite in meaning to ‘Laugh’ in the same way, as ‘Release’ is opposite to ‘Catch’.


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