...General Assignment Guidance for Students The purpose of the assignments The assignments are intended to test the student’s capabilities in the following key areas that are essential for effective performance as a manager or executive: (1) The design, implementation and review of strategy – in an applied context. (2) Integrative thinking and action – developing alignment (bundling) between connected functional strategies. (3) Situational analysis – identifying the core issues, the opportunities and the threats. (4) Investigative skills – generating evidence‐based proposals. (5) Information management – separating facts from assumptions, beliefs from evidence. (6) Problem‐solving and decision‐making – both analytical and creative. (7) Influence and persuasion techniques – when defending or promoting recommendations. (8) Presentation methods – for reader‐friendly, business‐focused reports. It is important to emphasise that the above capabilities are critical parts of the manager’s toolkit and have been included here not just because of their convenience for assessment purposes. The selection of an assignment topic It follows that an acceptable assignment topic must fulfil a number of expectations, not least that it should permit or enable the student to demonstrate the above capabilities. Therefore it must: (1) Be concerned with a ‘live’, authentic problem or opportunity. (2) Be linked directly with a specific organisation, business sector or economic environment...
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...Ansoff Matrix 1. This matrix was developed by Igor Ansoff 2. It is a framework for identifying corporate growth opportunities 3. Two dimensions determine the scope of options, namely product and market 4. Four generic growth strategies are identified: Market Penetration - OLD M OLD P -The firm seeks to achieve growth with existing products in their current market segments, aiming to increase its market share. -less risky cause it leverages firm's existing resources and capabilities Challenge: Market is Saturated Strategies: Increase usage by existing customers Attract customers away from rivals Encourage increase in frequency of use Encourage non buyers to buy Use when… the market is not saturated There is growth in the market Competitors' share of the market is failing Product Development - OLD M NEW P -this strategy is appropriate if the firm's strengths are related to its specific customers rather than specific product itself. New products to replace current products New innovative product Product improvements Product line extensions New product to compliment existing products Use when… The firm has strong R&D capabilities The market is growing There is rapid change The firm can build on existing brands Competitors have better products Market Development - NEW M OLD P The firm seeks growth by targeting its existing products to new segments. -pursuit of additional market segments or geographical regions -core competencies Change distribution...
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...Ansoff’s Matrix Lowest Risk Highest Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Marketing Management Presented to Dr. Ashraf Talaat Prepared by Fady Wahba (Group 50H) Ansoff Matrix: The Ansoff Matrix was developed and named after Russian American H. Igor Ansoff and first published in the Harvard Business Review in 1957, in an article titled "Strategies for Diversification". It has given generations of marketers and business leaders a quick and simple way to think about the risks of growth. Sometimes called the Product/Market Expansion Grid, the Matrix shows four strategies you can use to grow. It also helps you analyze the risks associated with each one. The idea is that, each time you move into a new quadrant (horizontally or vertically), risk increases. The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic planning tool that provides a framework to help executives, senior managers, and marketers devise strategies for future growth. Growth Strategies: Ansoff, in his 1957 paper, provided a definition for product-market strategy as "a joint statement of a product line and the corresponding set of missions which the products are designed to fulfill". He describes four growth alternatives: 1 Market penetration: In market penetration strategy, the organization tries to grow using its existing offerings (products and services) in existing markets. In other words, it tries to increase its market share in current market scenario. This involves increasing market share...
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...INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 2 CASE 1 NAH is a privately owned unlisted company which runs 20 residential care homes for the elderly. A residential care home for the elderly is a building where a number of older people live and receive care (that is their physical needs are provided for), normally on a full-time basis. The elderly residents may pay the care home fees themsleves or they may be paid by their relatives or by the local government authority. The elderly residents of NAH’s care homes are all capable of making decisions for themsleves. All of NAH’s care homes are located in and around two cities both located in the south of country X. NAH employs around 400 staff in the care homes, some of whom work part-time and a small team of highly experienced administrators. NAH’s care homes all have modern facilities and their staff are highly trained and dedicated. NAH has always been a profitable business, even though its care homes normally have a small amount of spare capacity. NAH has approximately 25% market share in the south of country X. The remainder of the market is shared by a small number of local government funded and operated care homes and some other small private businesses. Due to the rising costs of operating care homes as a result of increased regulation and the general economic environment, a number of small privately owned care homes in the region have recently closed. The owners of some other privately owned care homes are considering closing or selling them...
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...Case scenarios: Ansoff product–market matrix: Task 1: Australian Leisure Resorts (ALR) - Core business, selling rooms and holidays to individual consumer groups in Australia. - Key success factor: Keep occupancy rates high Issue: Brown (Founder of ALR) is developing new software for his hotel chains / resorts that will replace the current manual recording / booking system. This will provide real time booking information to potential customers, reducing the booking confusion currently associated with the manual system. Options floated to Brown: 1. Develop the software for use in the company’s currently owned hotels and Resorts. This strategic option can be classified as Market penetration (Quadrant 1). The key success factor for ALR is to keep occupancy rates high. Currently, due to the manual recording system employed, up to date hotel room booking information is not readily available to consumers. This option fits into quadrant 1 as it will increase the amount / volume of potential hotel bookings with existing customers in ALR’s existing market, as more meaningful booking information is made available to consumers (the information is “live” and in real time showing consumers what rooms in each hotel are available). This option does not fit Product development (Quadrant 2) as ALR is not introducing new products or services to existing markets. The organisations core business - hotel / resort room bookings remains unchanged. The change is...
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...Using Coca Cola to Explain Ansoff’s Matrix Ansoff’s Matrix is a useful tool for examining a company’s product range. The four main options are: 1. Market penetration 2. Product development 3. Market development 4. Diversification Information about some of the products produced by Coca Cola is given below. Read this information and complete the tasks over the page: 1. Diet Coke Since being introduced in 1982 as a result of a growing trend towards dieting and healthier living, Diet Coke has been a highly successful product for the Coca Cola company, selling millions of units per year. Throughout this time, Coca Cola has constantly adapted aspects of the marketing mix for Diet Coke in order to continually match customer trends and fashions. 2. Coca Cola Vanilla Having had a successful launch in America, Coca Cola decided to launch it’s new Vanilla flavoured version in Great Britain. Prior to doing so, Coca Cola carried out taste tests and developed the graphical ‘look’ of the Diet Coke brand. When they did this, they took great care to incorporate aspects of the Coca Cola brand, but still differentiating it so consumers would see it as an alternative to Coke. 3. Fanta Icy Lemon The development of a new flavour sparkling drink by Coca Cola was as a direct result of listening to consumers who called the company’s Careline telephone service. The...
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...11068213 A new product or service that is launched quickly into the market is very important in order to gain a competitive advantage over other similar products. In the world today, product development managers are faced with very serious pressures of trying to bring global or world class products into the market as early as possible. A lot of factors add to these mounting pressures such as, fast rate of technological advancement, the growth of globalization and markets which brings about a more stronger product competition, the rising costs of Research and Development (R&D), life cycles of products been shorter and improved mass communication ( Ali et al, 1995). The fast rate of these products been made not to last for a long time enhances the need for new products to be developed early enough to make sure that the timely introduction of such product(s) is met (coredero, 1991). In order for a product to succeed or even survive, the organization must be able to be used to product strategies and must be able to go through proper development skillfully, and also be able to apply and manage a product’s strategy that differentiates success that is endured from failure (Mcgrath, 2000). The socially accepted strategies for a new product sometimes doesn’t make available enough adjustable perspectives for examining what determines success in an environment that is highly competitive (calantone and di Benedetto, 1990). The importance of the strategies used to attain success has...
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...Who is Igor Ansoff Igor Ansoff (1918-July 14, 2002) was an applied mathematician and business manager. He is known as the father of Strategic management. Igor Ansoff was born in Vladivostok, Russia, in 1918. He emigrated to the United States with his family and graduated from New York City's Stuyvesant High School in 1937. Ansoff studied General Engineering at the Stevens Institute of Technology and continued his education there, receiving his Master of Science degree in the Dynamics of Rigid Bodies. Following Stevens Institute, he studied at Brown University where he received a Doctorate in applied mathematics with a major in Mathematical Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity and a minor in Vibration. After coming to California he joined UCLA in the Senior Executive Program. He was a distinguished professor at United States International University (now Alliant International University) for 17 years, where several institutes continue his work in strategic management research. During World War II, he was a member of the U.S. Naval Reserve, and served as a liaison with the Russian Navy and as an instructor in physics at the U.S. Naval Academy. Professionally, Igor Ansoff is known worldwide for his research in three specific areas: • The concept of environmental turbulence; • The contingent strategic success paradigm, a concept that has been validated by numerous doctoral dissertations; • Real-time strategic management. To honor his body of work, the prestigious Igor...
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...and market options: Ansoff product-market matrix Case scenarios 2014 Authors: Delyth Samuel and Samantha Winter (updated by Anne Gleeson) Published by Deakin University on behalf of CPA Australia Ltd, ABN 64 008 392 452 © CPA Australia Ltd 2014 The contents are for general information only. They are not intended as professional advice, for that you should consult a suitable qualified professional. CPA Australia Ltd expressly disclaims all liability for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information in these papers. Contents Questions Ansoff product-market matrix Tasks Task 1: Australian Leisure Resorts Task 2: Life’s Little Luxuries Task 3: You Name It! Equipment Hirers 5 6 6 7 8 9 Solutions Task 1: Australian Leisure Resorts Task 2: Life’s Little Luxuries Task 3: You Name It! Equipment Hirers 10 11 13 15 Questions PRODUCT AND MARKET OPTIONS: ANSOFF PRODUCT–MARKET MATRIX Ansoff product-market matrix A model for assisting in the identification and assessment of strategic options is the Ansoff product-market matrix. The Ansoff product-market matrix looks at options from an organisation’s perspective based on two dimensions: product focused and market focused. The term product may refer to a service rather than a physical item, as well as physical products. The market dimension considers geographic markets, as well as customer markets and customer groups. The four quadrants of the Ansoff product-market matrix are: Market penetration...
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...Using ANSOFF’s Matrics business model the four possible strategies which organisations may adopt are- 1- Market penetration occurs when the company or organisation tries to sell more of its current or existing products to its existing markets through greater promotional efforts or vigorously advertisings. In the end the organisation will be benefiting from a increase in annual turnover and sales. This is the cheapest strategies of all Ansoff’s business strategic models. It also encourages companies to stay on existing market. There were a lot of competitors in this market but this strategy help JD Weatherspoon to reduce competition from rivalry. 2- Market development this happens when the company or organisation tries to sell its existing products in the new market or segment, for example if a Scottish organisation tries to enter into regional or global market to sell their existing products. This also helps the organisation to increase its base by attracting new Customers and increase its market share and portfolio. Favourable economic conditions and social culture changes force JD to adopt this strategy. 3- Product development this type of strategy occurs when the organisation starts to offer new products to the existing customer, so by bringing new products to the market, the organisation will be also attracting new customers. This also helps to keep its customers attracted to the organisation and its products e.g. Xbox 360 which has introduced Xbox 360...
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...Realities Two-Way Street Ignorance is bliss. This phrase, however comforting, is a provocative statement to the debilitating state of society and the human state of mind; the dual-edged comment is represented in both Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and the Wachoski brother’s The Matrix through universes, similar to our own, where people are in strong states of illusion and ignorance. Both have a character, which is brought to the “light” to realize this false reality and to liberate everyone else to a better reality, the “real” reality. Situations can arise where having knowledge of it can seem detrimental, however, our very existence as human beings is to live a life of bettering ourselves and the species in general through knowledge both good and bad, and the actions that take place from knowledge. People do actions and make decisions based on history from what he has done wrong or from what he has done correctly and on this basis it is a stepping stone that either good or bad having knowledge of the past, complete knowledge, helps to mold the future positively. Although blissful, avoiding reality will never be a positive action with even in modern days something such as Facebook has become our matrix keeping people away from the outside, not personally and physically interacting with others or now having games that are virtually realities allowing someone to be something else but does not benefit the world in any way. The lack of benefit world is where virtual reality does its...
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...1 Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors Aamir Nazir Course:- B.Tech 2nd Year (Civil Engineering) Section:- A Roll No.:- 120107002 System ID:- 2012018068 Subject:- Mathematics Subject Code:- MTH-217 Course Code:- CE-107 Teacher Incharge:- Ms. Archana Prasad 2 Contents 1. Abstract 3 2. Introduction 3-4 3. Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of a real matrix 4 a. Characteristic Polynomial 7-8 b. Algebraic Multiplicities 8-9 4. Calculation 9 a. Computing Eigenvalues 9 b. Computing Eigen Vectors 10 5. Applications 10 a. Geology and Glaciology 10-11 b. Vibration Analysis 11-12 c. Tensor of Moment of Inertia 12 d. Stress Tensor 12 e. Basic...
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...* 1 Lesson: Linear Models and the Distributive Property Write an Expression Using the Distributive Property over Multiplication Some expressions representing real-world situations can be easily written in the form [[ a bx+c ]]. When solving problems with expressions written in this form, you will use the distributive property over multiplication. Example: You and your friend are selling raffle tickets for the local rotary club. Tickets are sold for $2 each. Your friend has already sold 100 tickets, and you are going to sell the remaining tickets. Write an expression for the total amount made from raffle ticket sales. In this problem, you are comparing two quantities: the number of tickets that you sell and the total amount of money made from ticket sales. In the first row of the table, write the column headings to describe the two quantities. The number of tickets that you sell is measured in tickets and the total amount of money made from ticket sales is measured in dollars. In the second row of the table, write the units used to measure each quantity. The problem states that the tickets are sold for $2 each and your friend has already sold 100 tickets. Use a variable, such as [[x ]], to represent the number of tickets that you sell. You can determine the total amount of money made from ticket sales by multiplying the total number of tickets sold, [[100+x ]], by the cost of each ticket, 2. The expression [[ 2100+x ]] represents the total amount of money made from ticket...
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...Essay PHIL 201 July 7, 2014 Essay After reading these pieces I concluded that the central theme is being awaken from a false reality but each piece differs in the action that follow the awakening. The Matrix is set in a futuristic setting, where the theory of being controlled by a massive computer is a real possibility. What I find most interesting is that Plato actually describes the concept of The Matrix, almost as if Plato’s dialogue was used an inspiration. In The Matrix and Plato’s dialogue, humans are not physically living the life they perceive as “real” but are stationary beings who are forced to live a false reality prescribe to them. This is where René Descartes’ excerpt differs from the previously mentioned. The person is aware of possibility that what he knows as true could be false, that how could we know if what we are living is done consciously or if our existence is but a dream. All of the excerpts also rely on the reasoning that the mind is the sole contributor of our existence and our physical senses only respond to what the mind knows. The differences in the readings is based on the actions or possible outcomes that occur once the awakening has taken place. In The Matrix, Neo decides to act and decides to embark on a journey to discover reality not being controlled by a computer. Plato’s dialogue is different because this is based on a hypothetically theory, so while there is no physically action the questions lies in how would people respond to...
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...Axia College Material Appendix B Cash Management Matrix Directions: Using the matrix, list how each of the principles of internal control works, and give an example for each. Next, list how each of the principles of cash management works, and give an example for each. |Principles of Internal Control |How it Works |Example | |Establishment of responsibility |Designating one person to a task. |If one person is in charge of a bank deposit, they are held | | | |responsible for putting the correct amount in the bank, the | | | |addition of the money, and if it is wrong (short/long), there is| | | |no question of who is responsible for the mistake. | |Segregation of duties |Divide the duties among employees and be consistent that they |Checking in merchandise, this person would know that they are | | ...
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