Premium Essay

Anti-Slavery In Sarah Redmond's Inhumane Genre

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Words 207
Pages 1
In 1853, Sarah Remond refused to sit in a segregated area for the opera, Don Pasquale, which she had purchased tickets. After her refusal, Redmond was forcibly removed and pushed down a flight of stairs at the Howard Athenaeum in Boston, Massachusetts.
Redmond was along with her brother Charles Lenox Redmond, a prominent antislavery lecturer in the United States and Great Britain was hired by the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1856. They team traveled often delivering the anti-slavery message. Redmond gave her first anti-slavery lecture in Britain. She never used notes and spoke eloquently about the inhumane treatment of slaves in the United States. Many of her listeners were shocked to learn the horrible treatment of slaves and often brought

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