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Analysis Of Erikson's Stages Of Psychosocial Development

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Every child grows up in a certain kind of environment, with a different set of parents, and deals with diverse situations. From abusive parents, to loving ones, to nuclear, single, or expanded families. As they grow up, some of the experiences they dealt with when they were younger stick with them. If they were abused they may grow up to be abusive parents, and the same goes with having loving parents. That is why getting through Erikson Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development successfully is so important. First, we must deal with the first four stages of childhood. Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, and finally Industry vs. Inferiority.
Then we deal with Identity vs. Role Confusion, the stage that occurs …show more content…
This stage is known as Intimacy vs. Isolation. Young adults start to explore their options when it comes to romance, and they look forward to long term commitments with a male or female. This can also help young adults who are still dealing with figuring out which sex they’re attracted to both physically and emotionally. If the adult gets through this stage with minimal issues they will be able to have healthy, and comfortable relationships with a significant other. They will have that sense of safety, love, and dedication when in a relationship with their boyfriend or …show more content…
Despair. This stage occurs in senior citizens at the age of sixty-five years old and over, and it is at this age where most of the elderly decides to retire from their jobs. It is the perfect time for them to volunteer at shelters, or reminiscence about the past, or more specifically the good times. Most use this time to look back on their lives hopefully with a smile on their faces, maybe they tell their grandchildren all about their lives. The adventures they went on, their old relationships, old friends, and current friends. They look back at the old times with fondness, and look forward to the next few years of their existence. Hopefully they also took the time to look back on the skills they developed from their childhood up until now, and developed a sense of integrity. If an older person feels their lives were meaningless, they learned nothing new, and just did not enjoy life then, and now they may develop a sense of

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