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Severe Depression

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Depression is the most common mental disorder and this is a serious medical illness that involves emotional, behavioral, physical, and cognitive symptoms. Severe depression is defined as a persistent condition that interferes with everyday life and afflicts a person’s mental and emotional state. This can cause negative bias in ways of thinking and processing information. Depression can be a combination of genetics, environmental, psychological. Although the cause of depression is not entirely clear, it's generally believed that stress plays a key role in depression. In today’s age, depression is more aggressive than ever taking its toll on people of all ages ranging from early childhood to adulthood and can make the most routine task feel like an extraordinary burden. I chose case …show more content…
Depression is a genetic factor in my family and can be something I learn from by researching into it. There are many coping techniques that can help overcome the feeling of depression. The first step is to make sure that you have depression and to get help if you feel you need it. The common effects of depression are: persistently sad mood, feeling hopeless, helpless, or worthless, increased anger, fighting, and self-destructive behavior, loss of interest in normal activities, social withdrawal, sleep or appetite disturbance and negative thinking of oneself and the world around them (Beck, 1987; Gable & Shean, 2000). There are more than million people in the United States of America who have been diagnosed with depression and sometimes even suicide if left untreated, it then can lead to serious behavioral, emotional, and physical problems. If you have depression, the best thing for a person to do is to seek help. Make sure to ask your doctor to look into other medical possibilities for your depression. For example, there might be some side effects to a medication or from some type of medical

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