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What Does America Stand For We Asked Teenager Analysis

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In the article “What does America Stand For? We Asked Teenagers,” author Anna North asked a group of American teenagers of different backgrounds and beliefs from all over the country what their values where. Also, what they considered “traditional” American values to be and if the country has either failed or succeeded in representing those values. As many believe young adults are not capable of comprehending the complexities of political and social issues that are affecting this country, the project focuses on allowing for those teenagers to voice their beliefs and opinions about these existing injustices and as to where they believe the direction of the country moving toward. With events such as the controversial Trump presidency and campaign …show more content…
As a Mexican-American of first generation, I am in constant conflict with myself as I feel I am too “Latino” to be truly “American” and too “American” to be considered “Latino”. I was raised by my parents who instilled in me their own beliefs given to them by their parents and so forth, but growing up in the U.S you feel as if you must give up your own ideals and adapt to the values seen as traditional. What I view to be traditional American beliefs is the idea of having this strong sense of patriotism towards your country, leaving out those who differ from the social norms to be discriminated against and seen as un-American. Especially with social and political issues this nation faces today, immigrants and refugees seeking a better life for themselves are now in fear of deportation or violent or verbal abuse from others. Although we are told that America was built on liberty and freedom, racism has always played a significant part in American History from the arrival of the Pilgrims to the Jim Crow laws to the Black Lives Matter movement, it seems as if we can never escape this ongoing cycle of

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