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How Did Qantas Change Australia

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By 1931, mail transported by air from Australia was reaching Britain in just 16 days—less than half the time taken by sea. This was good, but they wanted it to be better. In that year (1931), government tenders on both sides of the world, invited applications to run new mail and passenger services between the ends of the British Empire.
Australia's Qantas and Britain's Imperial Airways won the tender by combining a joint bid. They then formed a joint company named Qantas Empire Airways or QEA. QEA's new 10-day service between Rose Bay in Sydney Harbour and Southampton was so successful with letter-writers that soon the quantity of mail was exceeding aircraft storage space.
In 1934 the British Government decided to instigate an airmail service for the whole Commonwealth at fixed rates. For this purpose and needing …show more content…
However, they quickly embraced a modern spirit of adventure, opening international air routes for passengers and strengthening ties within the British Empire. Qantas flying boats ushered in an era of elegant and pleasurable flying. They were built for comfort and safety rather than speed. So therefore, the journeys took some time. But it was still much faster than by Ship.
Enjoying these flights came at a hefty price. A Sydney to Singapore return trip was slightly more than the average annual wage of the time, which in today’s terms would mean handing over some $70,000 to $75,000.
That price did however, include three overnight stops en-route to Singapore. Stopping at Townsville, Darwin and Surabaya (Indonesia). The nights were spent at luxurious hotels while the aircraft lay at moorings in a nearby lake or port. To embark these flights, Passengers would head to the Rose Bay Flying Boat Base, situated on the edge of Sydney Harbour to board one of Qantas’ magnificent Empire Class flying boats for the flight of their

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