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Ancient Greece Research Paper

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Daily Life in Ancient Greece

The daily life of ancient Greeks was very interesting. Men in Greece had a lot of freedom but as for women in Greece, their lives were very restricted. Children in Greece had very different lives depending on what gender they were. Boys learned about sports and wrestling and the girls learned about chores, weaving, and cooking. There is much more stuff about their daily life, keep reading to find out.

The daily life of a man was just how you would expect it to be in ancient Greece, military, fighting, sports and more. One interesting thing was that the men made all of the important decisions in the house and the wives usually got no say in the decision he was making. I don't like how the wives didn't have a say in it, they should be able to help make the decision because it it their family/home too. Men also were very active and they participated in many sports and sometimes in the Olympics that was at Olympia. All of the men there must have been very strong fit and were always doing something. Most men were also required to …show more content…
They had to stay in their house and they did the household chores, made clothes and cooked. I feel bad for them, their lives must have been pretty boring since it was just the same thing the whole day, cook, clean and do the chores. Women usually stayed in the house but in Sparta women could leave the house and go to the agora and other places, but in Athens women could only leave if a slave went with them as a chaperone. I don't think that's right, both Sparta and Athens should both have the right to be able to leave the house if they wanted to. In Sparta women were also taught to be strong and fit and were also taught to play some sports. I like that the women were taught like the men and not just taught to do the domestic skills in the house. Women’s lives were pretty restricted and I wouldn’t want to be a women living in Greece at that time

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