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Anti Vaccination Research Paper

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Over the course of the last thirty years or so, there has been a dangerous spike in the number of parents who are not vaccinating their children. These parents believe it is more harmful to vaccinate their children rather than leaving them susceptible to life-threatening illnesses. Due to this misjudgment, there has been a significant rise in illnesses and diseases which have long been preventable. Their choice to not vaccinate is a great risk, not only to their own children, but to every person their children are exposed to. The anti-vaccine movement has to end – be it by educating parents on vaccinations, or by creating legal penalties for parents who decide not to vaccinate. On April 19, 1982, a documentary was aired on an NBC affiliate in Washington, DC. It was called “DTP Roulette”. The documentary showed healthy children who had received the pertussis vaccine and seemed to had gotten brain damage as a result. This scared parents from vaccinating their children. As of today, there are hundreds of anti-vaccine groups who have created blogs on the internet and gained enormous followings of frightened parents who do not know whether to trust or distrust their pediatricians. As a …show more content…
As an example to express how severe this comeback has gotten, in the 1970s there were only a couple-thousand cases of pertussis a year, thanks to vaccines. In 2014, due to the anti-vaccine movement, there were thirty-two thousand recorded cases of pertussis in the United States. The mumps have just recently begun their comeback. In 2011, there were only three-hundred and seventy recorded cases of the mumps. Today, in 2016, there have been a recorded one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven cases of the mumps. The numbers of recorded cases of these illnesses will proceed to drastically rise if the anti-vaccine movement continues to

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