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Clinical Rotation Reflection

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Today was the orientation of the pediatric rotation of clinical. My clinical group and I were introduced to our instructor Dawn Witty. Upon arrival we introduced ourselves, as she shared her background with us also. Shortly after, our instructor provided us with the safety information of the hospital. This information was helpful to me because I had no idea what code silver was, because of this helpful information provided, I am know more knowledgeable about the hospitals protocol on safety. Our instructor also provided us with a tour of the floor and informed us on where to meet each week for our clinical rotation. Today I was provided with helpful information necessary for the completion for my clinical rotation, I was also informed on what is to be expected as a …show more content…
When we arrived to the unit we were immediately introduced to the nurse staff. The unit seemed small with dim lights on one end of the hall, and the other side of the hall with bright lights. When I questioned a nurse, she mentioned that the lights were dim because the neonates on that end were critically ill, the other end had bright lights for neonates that were soon to be discharged from the unit. It all made so much sense to me. We were able to join the care team for report on each patient. During report, we were educated on each individual patient, their current state of health, plan of care, and any changes to their plan of care. One particular patient that I found interest in was a neonate that was born at 5 months and has been in the unit from birth. The patient had an extreme low birthweight, and was still currently low birthweight. The nurses mention that the neonate has made a substantial progress from when he arrived. Although he is considered as a low birthweight, his weight has increased since birth. He was on a feeding tube, upon report the physicians mentioned an increase in his feeding and the possibility of removing his feeding tube in the near future. This news made me so

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