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Lip Ex Research Paper

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Lipo Ex

Lipo Ex is a registered brand of non-surgical liposuction using the LipoTron 3000 device and is manufactured by RevecoMed. This procedure professes to successfully melt the stubborn fat and also fight cellulite to tighten the skin painlessly. Lipo Ex procedure uses a bi-polar radiofrequency energy to heat the fat cells while avoiding to harm the surrounding tissues.

How does Lipo Ex work?

With the help of bi-polar radiofrequency, LipoTron 3000 heightens the temperature of your body. Radiofrequency detects fat cells because of its water content. Heat melts fat, encourage the production of collagen and helps in tightening the skin. The body’s lymphatic system removes the melted fat away naturally. This procedure is similar to the hot stone massage and according to the company, customers fall asleep while under the procedure. You have to undergo multiple treatments before you are …show more content…
After the treatment, patients are advised to drink plenty of water and exercise to help the lymphatic system eliminate the liquefied fat. Lipo Ex reduces the appearance of cellulite by reducing the fat and tightening the skin. There is no need for anesthesia, recovery time, and there are no scars.


According to Lipo Ex, they are the first to use a technology to target the visceral fat cells safely. The fat behind the muscle walls and around internal organs are dangerous and contributes to the development of heart disease. These fats are difficult to deal with through diet and exercise. A drop of 2 to 3 inches up to 10 pounds will be noticeable after 6 to 8 treatments.

Since there is no surgery involved, the risks associated with Lipo Ex is very low. Few complications such as skin redness will fade away after a couple of hours. A mild soreness of the muscles similar to the feeling of an exhausting exercise is reported by the patients.

Lipo Ex

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