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Covenant Christian Coalition Case Study

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The Covenant Christian Coalition was founded in Dallas, Texas, in 2015 as a response to what was perceived to be biblical, moral, and theological compromise on the part of other ecumenical organizations such as the World Council of Churches.[6][7] The organization's mission is "Promoting unity in the Invisible Church while delivering the only message with the power to save people" and is defined as "An international, Evangelical, post-denominational coalition of churches still faithful to Christ and the Gospel."[8] The CCC heavily emphasizes the Five Solas in doctrine, as well as the Gospel, the Invisible Church, and Conservative Christianity.

Numerous churches are associated with the CCC including Faros Christian Fellowship in the Canary Islands, pastored by Gerhard Zierl.[9] The church is a member of Vinelife UK.[10] Other member churches include Salvation Church of Christ in Kampala[11] and Iglesia Evangelica Discipulos de Cristo de Colombia in Bogotá.[12][13][14] …show more content…

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