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John Glover Roberts Research Paper

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John Glover Roberts Jr. is the 17th and current Chief Justice of the United
States. He took his seat on September 29, 2005, having been nominated by President
George W. Bush after the death of chief justice William Rehnquist. Roberts was born in
Buffalo, New York on January 27th, 1955 (Dantas). He lived in New York briefly before moving with his family to Indiana in 1959. Roberts attended the local elementary school and then entered a boarding high school, La Lumiere in La Porte, Indiana. He excelled at school and turned to theater and music for a more creative outlet. He exhibited strong leadership skills early in his life, which was noticed by many of his professors.
Roberts’ hard work and passion for his education led him to Harvard University, more
specifically …show more content…
This clerkship heightened his profile among the elite in Washington, D.C. Two years later, Roberts worked as an aide to U.S. Attorney General William French Smith” (Dantas). After working for two years as associate at Hogan and Hartson, Roberts was appointed
Principal Deputy Solicitor General by George H.W. Bush. This appointment lasted nearly three years, and in 1993 he returned to Hogan and Hartson. After the next Bush took office, Roberts then left Hogan and Hartson for the last time.
President George W. Bush nominated Roberts as a judge of the U.S. Court of
Appeals in 2003. In 2005, Bush originally nominated Roberts to fill the seat left by
Sandra Day O’Connor when she announced her plans to retire, but after Chief Justice
Rehnquist died, Bush withdrew his nomination in order to nominate him to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States instead. During his confirmation hearings, the
Senate responded very well to his kind Midwestern demeanor and his promise of refocusing the court into a limited role of interpreter, not creator, of laws. The Senate confirmed his nomination, making Roberts the youngest Chief Justice in 100

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