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Descriptive Chicago Research Paper

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Growing up I once knew this girl; she was no ordinary girl. She held a huge secret. This girl was a murderer. She kills hundreds of people a year, sometimes even thousands. This girl is very beautiful she is very wealthy, but that secret she held onto for many years. Now slowly her secret is coming out and it is not pretty. This girl’s name is Chicago. That’s right Chicago, IL. One of the most beautiful cities in the world is a secret killer. This also happens to be the city that I was born and raised. When most people think to Chicago they think of violence and killings, and some may even think of the Bean or the Willis Tower (which I will always call the Sears Tower). What I think of when I hear Chicago is home. Chicago is my home and will always be my home no matter where I live, Chicago is home. Chicago is the place that built me it is the place that instilled into me some of the sense and some of the witty street smarts that I have today. It is also the home to millions who love her just as I do, no matter the struggles or the violence or whatever it may be that Chicago and its people go through we all still love the city. Though at times it may seem like the city doesn’t love us we all still love her. …show more content…
If it were not for that cool fall night in 2012, when I begged my mom to stay out after the street lights came on and I got robbed for my brand new red and black mongoose bike, I wouldn’t know how to assess and react in high stress situations. If not for that blazing summer day in 2010 when I rode my bike all day across the city I would not have recognized the true beauty of downtown. Chicago has helped me understand that there is beauty in everything and that there is also problems and struggles in everything and everyone, but in the end there is always some good in it

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