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Counter Argumentative Essay

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Counter argument essay Do you know that meditation 8% of USA adults exercise meditation? Our article is about meditation for the author Mai Sameh who works at al ahram weekly. A life on mediation is the name of her article in which she addresses the meditation effect on health ,through different positive ways as releasing stress , pranic healing , revives the respiratory system and showing the types of energy systems which shows why Egypt is not the suitable place for meditation and showing how to prepare the brain to have a perfect meditation and how they offer free meditation workshops to attract people to meditation as well as how it helps the person in his daily life . Meditation can be expressed as a vital exercise which helps …show more content…
Thirdly “all people are against meditation “appeal to false authority last “Rania, a pharmacist who has been a member of the workshops “false authority. My opinion is that they want to attract people to do meditation by using these types of logical fallacies.

To sum mediation has a massive effect on body health in which she showed what the effect of mediation on the human body. On the respiratory system, healing process and the brain which she delivered her massage in a perfect way by showing the mediation is vital exercise which helps the human body in healing process. She really gave a good common ground to be with and encouraged to be encouraged to do so but there were a lot of mistakes shown in the false assumption, weak evidence and logical fallacies. But at the end she expressed her idea in sufficient and easy way .

Work cited
SAMANTHA , HELLER,. "Boost Your Energy." Men's Fitness.N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.
Hokins. "How the Brain Works." Http://, n.d.

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