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Nurse Career Research Paper

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A nurse is a very important person to most people and the world. I am interested in this career because some of my Family members are a nurse, it pays a good livable amount and it is important to help people who need medical help. I will need to have the skill of listening and understanding to be a good fit for this job. I will need I will need a high school degree, master’s degree and training From school and from potential workplaces to enter this career. A nurse does so much for so many people, so I want to be a nurse.

Did you know that some of my family members are nurses, and I want to be one too? The first thing that made me want to be a nurse was that part of my mom’s side of the family are nurses. They are my aunt Julie and my cousin Emilee who live in Colorado and Taxis. I would be able to build a steady life off of the amount of money that I would get per year. I can make an average of $103,880 a year. This is important because I can help diagnose people and give doctors a much needed helping hand. These are all reason that I would really like to be a nurse. …show more content…
I am very good at listening. When patient talk about their symptoms I need to be able to listen to them. I am also really good at understanding. I need to be able to understand that all people are different and will react to shorten things differently. I have used these skills in my day to day life from listening to rules to understanding math problems. Those are two skills that a nurse practitioner has that I have

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