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Reflection Paper


Submitted By ornah
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Reflection Paper



Reflection Paper Why do you think it is important for the nurse at the bedside that nursing is recognized as a discipline?

The nursing profession is made up of several different subspecialties and career paths, which have developed a positive view on the nursing career. Marilyn Parker discusses how a discipline must have a clearly defined domain, which expresses the theory and focus of the profession. The traditional nurse is responsible for a wide array of roles such as: educator, advocate, counselor, and caregiver. The world’s view of the nursing profession is a well-distinguished career field. “The discipline of nursing is a community of scholars, including nurses in all venues, where nursing occurs.”(Parker, 2003, p. 8) I think it is important for the nurse at the bedside that nursing is recognized as a discipline because for centuries nurse theorist and other nurses have contributed to the success of the career.

If I was asked what the normal blood flow through the heart is, I could easily consult my memory, my anatomy textbook, or search for the answer online. Thus, I know for certain that there is only one correct answer. Many questions that arise during bedside patient care are indeed science related and often have only one correct answer. On the other hand, during patient care there are several questions that arise that are not science related. The art of the nursing profession is more complex and a textbook cannot possible attempt to answer nearly half of what is needed for patient care. This is where nursing as a discipline comes into play. The nursing discipline has evolved from the myriad of nursing theories. The main focus of the nursing discipline is to provide patient care and

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