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Reflection Paper: What Is Your Writing Process

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“What Is Your Writing Process”

When composing, it is imperative that I am in the proper mindset. If I am not, I will remain at a standstill for hours. Being in the proper mindset the words and ideas come easily. Once I am comfortable I begin…
1. I must be in a quiet room. (Sometimes I play music for inspiration)
2. Have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea.
3. A clear mind.
4. Depending on the topic, I will read all required documentation, and do my due diligence on the topic if necessary. This allows me to process and formulate ideas in my mind.
5. I always scribble my first draft on a sheet of paper. This sheet will contain random thoughts and ideas that come to mind. It could be a word, a sentence, even a statement. As I continue writing

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