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Canine Therapy Case Study

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The overall intention of this project was to explore the available research into how canine therapy can be widely utilised in different contexts such as counselling situations, working with individuals with autism and how dogs are utilised as co- therapist. The literature is inundated with accounts reporting successes with Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) and the number of professionals, programs and organisations that have embraced AAT continues to rise. Chapter One offers an explanation of Canine therapy and who it is used for and the theoretical perspectives that underpin the use of canine therapy. Chapter Two will be exploring the Benefits of Using Canines as Companion Animals for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Chapter Three will …show more content…
This will require the researcher to undertake an extensive and exhaustive search of relevant literature. According to Greene and Hill (2005) the choice of method for a research project should depend on its appropriateness to the purpose and nature of the research. For the purpose of this research it was appropriate to select a library based approach due to its unobtrusive method of obtaining information (Webb, 1966).
This research might have been best placed if a case study had been conducted. The benefit of doing a case study according to Hayes (2000) would be they only focus and explore single cases. This would have allowed the researcher to investigate specific context and cases in far more detail Hayes (2000). However this type of research was deemed non-viable due to time constraints placed on the researcher as well as the researcher not having access to any therapist or participants in this …show more content…
There is such a broad scope for obtaining articles and reports that is it easy to accumulate a vast array of literature King, (2002). This could result in the researcher becoming overwhelmed with literature and then questioning what to include and what to omit from the research project. To alleviate this problem articles relevant to this research were categorised and placed into individual folders for analysis throughout the research project. Davies, (2007) however suggests that specific documents have a purpose and to be able to analyse the literature properly we must recognise the motive of the document. These include authenticity, credibility, representativeness and meaning.
This research report will be utilising qualitative and quantitative sources; ethically there is always a problem with the interpretation of both; it could be manipulated to create a specific outcome King (2002). It is recognised that interpretations of data can create ethical issues, as it can be challenging to get unbiased data from the voices of others. According to Einstein our “theories determine what we measure” (Rappa, 2007:

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