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Isis Pros And Cons

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“They want to go back and reject modernity, well I think we should help them, we ought to bomb them back to the stone age” said U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on Fox News. These days most of the time we hear about ISIS on the news and whether or not it’s time to go in and get rid of them. The Islamic state is an unrecognized state and a sunny jihadist group in the middle east which has brought fear all around the world. Creating destruction and fear, the Islamic State has been tearing families apart and becoming an epidemic. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant otherwise known as ISIS today started in 2013 by key leaders who were prominent during the Iraqi insurgency. They are well-armed, financed, and always recruiting new members. Showing how …show more content…
Obama said in an interview on CNN’s article What can the United States do against ISIS in Syria and Could it work by Greg Botelho that “we do not have a strategy yet for what to do about ISIS inside Syria.” There are so many options we can do as such a strong nation to eliminate this jihadist group, but our government is so worried about risk. Every choice and decision we make in life as a normal citizen involves risk, there is no fool proof plan. One clear option is to send in ground forces. Though ISIS is recruiting everyday, if we go all in with ground forces we can potentially stop them from being able to become any bigger than they already are. In The Atlantic’s article What ISIS Really wants by Graeme Wood states that “tens of thousands of foreign Muslims are thought to have immigrated to the Islamic State…Many have come to fight, and many intend to die”. If the United States is just waiting for the Islamic State to attack inside this country to find an excuse to execute them then that is just atrocious. Why wait for our own people to be killed first in order to fight back? Why not take the initiative to eliminate a problem before it becomes an even bigger one. We hear on the news everyday something about Isis and what they are doing around the world. Another option if you do not want to risk …show more content…
They have many enemies in the Arabian and Muslim worlds. “The West could work with populations in the region to stand up against terrorism as it did with the Iraq Awakening Councils who turned against al Qaeda in 2006” said David Schenker on CNN’s article Will anyone stop ISIS?. Many of the groups suffering from the rule of the Islamic state make rallies in more people to try and get rid of ISIS. Al Qaeda and ISIS have been fighting with each other ever since they were disavowed by the terrorist organization could inflict and weaken both organizations. Muslims are interpreting and accepting the Koran which writes that Muslims must take over the world. They are contemptible with Western ideals and want everyone to live by their ideology. Harvard International Review quoted the Jordanian Queen Rania on ISIS in their article Islam and Liberalism: conflicting values? saying “there’s nothing Islamic about them”. Queen Rania is seen as a trendsetter in the Islamic world because she does not wear the hijab or clothing worn by Islamic

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