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Field Grade Officer Research Paper

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MAJ Samuel O. Fadare III A491 Management Philosophy
The transition from Company Grade Officer to Field Grade Officer brings its own set of unique challenges, especially since the purview of a Company Grade Officer is vastly different than that of Field Grade Officers. As such, a challenging concept that emphasized in the book The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey, by Kenneth Blanchard, that one would need to have think through and develop an understanding and methodology prior to becoming deeply invested in the daily grind of the responsibilities of a Field Grade Officer is a management philosophy. Three key concepts that will become the foundation for my management philosophy are: planning, roles and responsibilities, and control. The first key concept in my management methodology is planning. Assessing the staff and the current systems/procedures in place, within the framework of the how the Battalion Commander envisions achieving his/her goals and objectives are necessary to …show more content…
If current systems/procedures are cumbersome or are not aligned with goals, objectives, they will be modified or removed. From this, a course of action, or a plan can be implemented to attain the Battalion’s goals, objectives and finally, end state. Routine review of the course of action is necessary to ensure especially as new factors are introduced. To properly assess the staff, their roles and responsibilities need to be addressed.
As described in The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey, within every action or move there will be at least two parties; one who will perform the action and one to monitor it. Thus, establishing a clear understanding of one’s role and responsibility in this interaction key. As an organizational manager in transition, this is of particular importance as the majority of our experience and

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